48. Will you...

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I woke up to see Barry smiling at me. I let out a yawn and smiled back.

"Morning, beautiful", Barry said.

"Barry, I'm sorry that I made you cancel the date...I was freaking out a little", I told him.

"You were freaking out about the date?"

"No, not the date...I've been having these dreams. They feel so real and they're so horrible. I'm so glad they aren't real."

"What kind of dreams?" Barry asked.

"Like dreams inside of dreams...dreams where people I care about die. I'm so glad that those people are still here with me and also care for me."

Barry pulled me closer to him and hugged me tightly. "I'll always be here for you, Tyler. I won't let anything bad happen to you, or anyone you care about get hurt. You're the love of my life, I will be here to protect you from any harm."

"I love you so much, Barry Allen."

"I wanted to ask you something while we were at dinner last night, but that didn't end up happening..." Barry said.

"What were you gonna ask?"

"I wanted to ask you...if you'd move in with me?

My eyes widened and I looked up at Barry. Barry had a huge smile plastered to his face. "Move in with you?"

"Yeah, I want us to be closer. I want to be there for you", Barry said. "So, what do you say?"

"Yeah, of course Bare. I'd love to!" I said and gave Barry a kiss.

"How about we celebrate?" Barry said.


"Let's get your mind off of things. Get you dress back on and let's go out for food."

"Okay, sounds good", I said with a smile. I got out of bed and changed back into my dress from last night.


Barry was sitting at my couch with a large smile on his face.

"Once again...you are stunning as hell", Barry told me.

I smiled down at my feet. "Thanks Barry", I said.

"Shall we?"

"We shall."

Barry got up and took me by the hand. We walked out of my apartment and to his car. Then we drove off to get some food.


I woke up the next day in Barry's bed...which I guess would soon be mine too. I smiled to myself because his bed smelt just like him. I got out of the bed and walked out to the living room to see Barry sitting there watching TV.

"What are you watching?" I asked him.

"Nothing...." Barry said in an embarrassed tone of voice, his eyes still stuck to the TV.

"Come on, Bare", I said, walking over to him. He paused the show and turned his head toward me. His eyes widened and I saw him gulp. "What? And why is it so cold in here?"

"I might have something to do with the fact that your naked..."

"That might do it..." I laughed. "I'll be right back."

I walked to his room and put on one of his tee shirts on quickly. I walked back and saw him still watching his show. I took a seat next to him.

"So, are you gonna tell me what you're watching now?" I asked him.

"It's Disney Channel..." Barry said.

"Why wouldn't you tell me that?" I asked, "I love Disney Channel!"

I leaned closer to Barry and rested my head on his shoulder. I smiled to myself as we started watching the show together.

I think this new living together thing might work out...

A/N***I'm trying to finish this before I lose all my ideas and take two months to write again.

Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die (Marvel/DC)Where stories live. Discover now