44. I Told You

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"I told you so", Barry said with a smirk.

"And what exactly was that?" I asked him, crossing my arms.

"That he's suspicious."

"Barry, it's just weird, not suspicious. He might of gone to the bathroom."

"But, we were right next to the bathroom, we would've noticed if he passed us", Barry says as he gestures to the bathroom.

"I guess you're right about that, but that doesn't mean anything. Maybe he forgot something", I told him.

"Whatever, it's still suspicious."


I sat at the breakfast bar in my apartment. I was eating a bowl of cereal as I scrolled through my Twitter feed. There was a knock at my door making my head pop up to look over to it. I quickly made my way to the door and looked through the peephole.

It was Atlas.

I opened the door and he smiled at me. "Hey", he said.

"Atlas...how did you find out where I live?" I asked him curiously.

"Oh my god. This is totally weird, I'm sorry", he breathed, "I hacked into the school files to find you address. That's totally stalkerish. I'll leave."

"Wait", I said as I wrapped my hand around his overly muscled arm. I gulped as I felt his arm pulse lightly. "What are you doing here anyways?" I let go of his arm and scratched the back of my neck.

"I was wondering if, uh, if we could go out sometime, you know, like on a date", Atlas said. My eyes widened and I shook my head to myself.

"Atlas, I can't do that", I told him, "I'm with Barry."

"Right, right. It was stupid of me to ask. I shouldn't of come. I'll, uh, see you around school."

Atlas walked down the hallway and I closed my door. A few moments later there was another knock at my door. I opened it up without looking through the peephole and there stood a guy wearing a navy blue outfit and mask.

"Who are you?" I asked. His arm rose and shot a flame that was blue at me. It hit my chest and I fell back onto my floor. All of a sudden, it all went black.


I sat at my couch. I had a pounding headache and my chest hurt like crazy. What's happening? I looked over to my kitchen to see Atlas sitting down at one of the stools.

I tried to stand up from the couch but I felt glued to it, but at the same time, I wasn't. "ATLAS!" I screamed.

He looked over at me and smirked. "You should've gone on that date with me", he said still with a smirk plastered to his face.

"Atlas, what's going on?"

"So, remember the time you were kidnapped and the guy gave you powers so that your father would disown you? Yeah, that was my father. He said it didn't work well enough. So while you were fast asleep, I gave you more serum."

"Atlas, please", I said, tears starting to form in my eyes.

"Stop calling me Atlas! That's not my real name!" He screamed in my ear.

"Than what is your real name?"

"My name is Malcolm Th-" A flash of lightning shot through the room and he was on the floor. The lightning was gone and appeared came the Flash.

"This guy cannot be here yet", he said and grabbed onto Atlas, no, what do I call him...Malcolm's collar. He stood him up and the Flash looked at his face. "You, my friend, can't be here for about another 5 years."

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