8. Two Weeks Later...

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"Come on Tyler, sit down on the couch", dad says. He held me up to keep me from falling and set me down slowly onto the couch.

"Thanks dad", I say smiling at him. He smiles back and sits down next to me laying his hand around my shoulders.

"Get better", he says.

So it turns out I had a strange case that the doctors didn't understand. Today the doctors said I was somewhat better and to stay off my feet for the next few days to rest. I was told to have sodas and cookies, so I didn't complain.

"Let me go get you something to drink."

"Coke please?" I ask him.

"Of course", he says smiling and walks away.


~The Next Monday~

I was finally going back to school after being sick for the last two weeks. I got dressed into my white high-low tank top, red plaid pants, and black heeled booties. I put on a necklace and some natural makeup.

I grabbed my backpack and skipped downstairs. I did my usual and sat down next to dad at the breakfast bar. I leaned over and gave him a side hug.

"I'm glad you're better Tyler", dad says.

"Me too", I say smiling. Pepper walked over to us and smiled at me.

"Good morning Tyler, glad to see you're up and healthy", she says handing me pancakes.

"Thank you, Pepper."


"Amelia", I hear Peter says waving at me and running over to me.

"Peter!" I mimic him. He jumps into my arms and hugs me tightly.

"I was so worried about you!"

"You shouldn't have worried. I'm fine now anyways", I laugh.

"I'm glad...you look nice today", he says and look down at my outfit.

"Um...thanks Peter", I say confusingly.

"Hey, while you were out sick, did you get your paper signed for the field trip?"

"Yeah, it's in my bag." I tap on my bag and he smiles.

"Great, Mr. Mas says we could be in the same group!" he says ecstatic.

"Awesome! What about Barry though?"

"Oh, he can't go, I think he said him and his foster family are going to out of the city to see friends."

"Whatever, it's a good thing I have TWO best friends!" I smile and pull him back into a hug.

A/N****I just wanted to make a small chapter that made a little sense tonight. I also wanted to upload this to tell you I will be changing the book's name and cover.
It's going to be called "To Weird To Live, To Rare To Die"

Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die (Marvel/DC)Where stories live. Discover now