16. Home and Joe

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~Barry's Point of View~

I ran into my house and tried my best to ignore my family.

"Barry come here!" Joe yelled. Crap, this is exactly what I didn't want. I let out a deep breath and walked over to him. I faked a smile and sat down at the table.

"Yeah, Joe?" I ask him.

"What's the matter with you? You seem off..."

"Oh, no...I'm fine, just was shocked by something a little while ago", I try to say.

"Barry, I know when you're hiding something."

Dammit, Joe!

"I seriously don't know what you're talking about", I lied. He sighed as he looked down.

"Is this about your dad?" Joe asks.

"No! Not at all! Joe, I'm being serious!" I say. From behind me I heard footsteps walking down the stairs. The one girl I have known my entire life walked down the stairs, my best friend, other than Tyler, my foster sister, the one I loved since I knew what love is, but now I'm not so sure.

"He kissed a girl, dad", Iris says as she walks into the kitchen and patted Joe's shoulder.

"You did?" Joe asked.

"Um, no", I lied.

"Barry, don't even try to lie, you did the same exact thing the day you got your first kiss in 5th grade. Oh and you did it when you were in 8th grade when you came back from school. So tell me, Barry, who did you kiss today?" Iris said as she crossed her arms and gave me an evil smirk.

"I, uh, well, you see, I-" I said shuddering.

"So, you were trying to hide this from me?" Joe asked me with eyebrows raised.

"I...I didn't really want to talk about it, Joe."

"Come on, Barry who was it?" Iris demanded.

I sighed then took a deep breath. What did I say? Amelia or Tyler? Tyler trusted me not to tell anyone, so I wouldn't, but what if they could tell I was lying? "It, uh, it was Amelia...Sawyer", I said.

"OH MY GOD! Are you serious?" Iris spit out. I looked down at my feet and sighed. I nodded and she squealed.

"Iris, you can't say ANYTHING!" I yell.

"Oh come on, Barry, what's wrong?"

"Do you like this girl?" Joe asks.

"I-I don't know! It just happened. We went to the movies, I dropped her off and then she kissed me, but-"

"Wait", Iris interrupted, "She kissed you?" I nodded. "Dude, really? You either don't know how to make a move, or you were going to and she's just fast."

"Can I finish?! Seriously Iris, be quiet. You're making me talk, then I talk and you interrupt me."

"Sorry...carry on", she chuckled at me dorkness.

"After she kissed me, he dad came out and made her go inside and me leave. I don't know what to do. I mean he called me Mr. Allen, that meant he was serious so I left. She tried to call me but I ignored it", I said.

"Bare, you NEVER ignore calls from girls! Dad have you taught him anything?" Iris joked in a serious tone.

"Look, Barry, who is her dad? I'll tell him how nice you are and-" Joe said but I cut him off.

"Joe, no, it's fine, you aren't going to talk to him. I'll do it myself", I choked.

"Um...okay, well, I leave you alone then", Joe says, "I'm gonna head to work."

"Okay, see you later, dad", Iris says smiling. Joe smiles back and walks out of the house. "Now, give me some more details on Amelia."

"Iris, please, just leave me alone."

"If I leave you alone, will you go call her?" she asks me.

"Sure, fine, whatever", I groan and she smiles at me.

"Great, have fun, say sorry", Iris said and skipped up to her bedroom. I waited a little before getting up and heading to my room. I walked in and sat at my desk.

Should I? Maybe I shouldn't? Does she hate me? Or is it just her dad that somehow hates me...

I picked up my phone and looked at it;


If you're asking, I couldn't have her real name in my phone, it could get her caught. I sighed to myself. I clicked on the 'call back' button and put it next to my ear. I heard it rang once and it was instantly picked up.

"Hey..." Tyler's beautiful voice said. Her voice could be so calming sometimes.

"Hey...look, I, um, I'm so sorry", I told her.

"For what?" she asks me.

"For not answering. I shouldn't have ignored it."

"Look, it's no big deal."

"It is to me...especially after the, uh, the-"


"Yeah, that....um, about that, um...what was it for?" I asked her nervously.

"I don't know....it just happened. I didn't really expect it either", she said. I could hear her faint laugh at the other end of the phone.

"Oh, um, okay."

"I'm sorry if I shouldn't of done that..."

"No, it's not that, it just made me a little nervous."


"Yeah", I sighed, "So...what about your dad? What happened with him?"

"He's a little over protective. He doesn't seem like it, but he does really care about me being safe, or whatever he thinks is safe", Tyler joked.

"I get it, he isn't probably the only one", I say.

"He'll get over it. Hey, so I have to take a shower. Call you later?" she asks. I nod but forget I was on a phone. Then I did the most nastiest thing that I shouldn't of done right now.

I thought of her in the shower. I smiled at myself and shook my head then smacked myself.

"Oh, uh, yeah, um, sorry, I, uh, sorry. Sure, okay", I shuddered.

"Okay, great, bye Bare", she said sweetly. She hung up and I smacked myself again.

"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" I yelled. How could I be that dumb, I'm not that kind of guy. UGH!

A/N***What do you think? I love how they are all so awkward, and Iris is picking on him. I also added some more pictures to some other chapters, so you can check those out! I'll be back soon with more! Carl Grimes Fan fic tomorrow guys! Comment if you're excited!


Also Now The Hero Will be ending soon so, when that is done...Teen Wolf, The Flash, or start book 2 for my Max Thunderman fan fic? Let me know! Thanks bye! :)

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