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My phone rang as I sat at my desk. I looked at it to see Mr. Stark calling me. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. I answered the phone and put it up to my ear.

"Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Barry, are you free anytime?" Mr. Stark asked me.


"We need to talk, without Tyler there", he said sighing. My eyes widen and I had to think for a second.

"About what?" I asked him.


"Okay, okay. I, um, I'm free Thursday after school."

"Okay, we can talk at the Green Bean", Tony said.

"In front of a bunch of people?" I asked him.

"I'll be wearing sunglasses."

"Okay then, I'll see you later...I guess", I said.

"Good. Bye, Barry", he said and hung up.

That was weird.


"So, I could try and sneak over to your house Friday night", Tyler said to me through the phone.

"I don't think your dad would like that", I said laughing.

"That's why he wouldn't find out." I could almost feel the smirk plastered on her face through the phone.

"What are we supposed to do if you came over anyway?"

"Binge watch Wizards of Waverly Place."

I laughed lightly at her comment, "Oh, really, how is that?"

"I own every season on DVD. Don't you know me at all."

"God, I love you", I said and choked. "Oh, I-"

"What? What's the matter?" she asked me dumbfounded. She must've been used to me saying I loved her, I've been saying it since 6th grade, it's just different now.

"Oh, uh, nothing. My throat's just a little itchy", I lied.

"Okay, drink some soda", Tyler said. I smiled to myself.

"Do you just have advice for everything?"

"Pretty much, except for what to do when you live in two different worlds and your dad is a famous superhero", she says laughing.

"Well, Hannah Montana did it, minus the superhero dad part", I said as we both broke out laughing.

"You have an obsession with Hannah Montana!" Tyler laughed.

"I do not, just strong feelings for it."

"Uh huh."

"I could say the same about you and Wizards of Waverly Place!"

"I get it, we both have weird obsessions with old children's TV shows."

"Don't forget the movies", I stated.

"Ah, yes, all the Disney Channel Original Movies. Your favorite again?" Tyler asked.

"Are you trying to make fun of me?" I said chuckling under my breath.

"Oh, I'm not trying."

I sighed to myself, "It's High School Musical."

"Oh, Barry Allen, we're all in this together."

"Not cool, Ty!"

"It's hard to believe, that I couldn't see that you were always there beside me!" Tyler started singing.

Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die (Marvel/DC)Where stories live. Discover now