43. A Dream?

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~Barry's Point of View~

I woke up to find Tyler still fast asleep in bed. I looked at her and smiled. I love you, I thought.

I leaned over to her and kissed her ear lightly but she quickly sat up from her sleeping position and screamed loudly.

"Tyler, what's going on?" I asked her as I pulled her into my arms. Her loud scream turned into soft sobs as she cried into my chest. I rubbed her back and ever so often I kissed the top of her head.

Soon, she calmed down and looked at me with red, puffy eyes. "I had the worst nightmare", Tyler said, "I- I couldn't stop it. It's like I couldn't help myself, I couldn't wake up."

"What happened in your nightmare?" I asked her.

"We, uh, we were on a date...and all of a sudden, when everything was perfect, my heart and stomach started hurting like hell. It felt like someone stabbed me. I had fallen and screamed. When I screamed, red beams shot from my eyes and burned your face...Y-you died Barry..."

I gulped and pulled her back into my arms. "It's okay...it was just a dream...everything is fine now", I told her. She rested in my arms until she fell back asleep.

I laid her back down on her pillow and covered her in the blanket

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I laid her back down on her pillow and covered her in the blanket. I got up from the bed and threw on a pair of flannel pajama pants and a black tee shirt.

I decided I would make her a breakfast to get her mind off of her nightmare.

~Tyler's Point of View~

Barry and I were sitting on the couch watching Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt on Netflix. The show was sort of keeping the nightmare off my mind but I couldn't help but think if maybe I'd gain new powers like those red beams from my eyes. I tried my best to shake the fear away and laid my head down on Barry's shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me and started combing his fingers through my hair to comfort me. I smiled a little and we continued to watch the show.

~The next day~

"Hey, Tyler Stark...right?" someone said from behind me. I turned around and saw a guy smirking at me. Damn, is all I could think.

"Yes, that's me. Who might you be?" I asked the guy.

"Oh, right. Let me introduce myself. My name is Atlas Berns, I'm a senior here but thought it would be great to meet you."

"That's nice, well, it was nice to meet you", I said and started to back up.

"No, wait. I was wondering if you'd like get lunch, my friend who used to go here just dropped out so I can't get lunch with him."

"Sure, but my boyfriend would have to come. We eat lunch together everyday", I told him.

"That's great! Two new friends!" he said, "I must run now, but I'll see you then."

"Bye, Atlas."


"Come on, he's nice. I think he just wants some friends", I told Barry.

"Tyler, he could just want to steal you from me...", Barry said.

"Barry, he's not going to steal me from you, no one could ever do that. I love you too much." To make Barry feel better, I stood on my toes and kissed his cheek.

"Fine, but if he acts weird this one time, no more."


"Hey, Atlas!" I said as we walked into the school's cafeteria. He looked up from his phone and smiled at me and Barry.

We got closer and he extended his hand out for Barry to shake it. "It's nice to meet you, Barry", Atlas said.

"Nice to meet you too", Barry said cautiously.

"Why don't we go get some food?" I asked them both. They nodded and we walked over to grab trays.

Once we had gotten our food, we made our way back to the table we were at before, and sat down. Barry sat closer than usual to me as he stared at Atlas. I guess he didn't like this guy.

"So, what's your majors?" Atlas asked us.

"We're both majoring in forensic science", I told him. Barry just looked at me and nodded.

"That's a great major. I'm majoring in education. I'd really like to become a teacher one day", Atlas said.

"That's awesome", I told him, "Do you prefer a specific grade?"

"Probably middle school. Seventh or eighth would be great grades to teach."

"Will you excuse me?" Barry interrupted. He stood up from the bench and made his way out of the cafeteria.

"Is...he okay?" Atlas asked.

"I'm sure he's fine. He's probably just going to the bathroom", I assured him. "I'll go check on him."

I stood up from the bench myself and walked towards the direction Barry went. I found him sitting on the floor behind a vending machine.

"Barry, what's going on with you?" I asked him. I sat down next to him on the floor and looked into his eyes.

"There is something up with that guy, Tyler", Barry said, "I don't know what, but there is."

"Barry, you're being silly. He just needed some people to hang out with."

"I don't trust him..."

"Come on, I just left him all alone in there. Let's go back."

"Tyler, I don't-" Barry started but I kissed him to make him shut up.

"Let's go", I demanded and we stood up from the floor.

We walked back to the cafeteria and made our way to the table.

"That's weird", I said. Atlas was gone.

A/N***I'm sorry I freaked you out. Could you imagine if that wasn't a dream? Actually, I could've made her use her speed to go back in time though...

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