40. Picnics and Kisses

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A/N***Oh my god! We made it to 40 chapters guys! I think this is going to be my longest book ever!

I sat in class and I couldn't help but stare at Barry across the room. I know, we're in college, we didn't have assigned seats in class but we didn't want to be too close. It was better if we weren't close enough to talk, that way we could actually focus on school work...most of the time.

It's been a few months since Barry and I were back together. He was coming to my apartment every few days because his roommate was a disaster waiting to happen.

I was wrong in the first place. We're both doing good in school and there is no drama at all. Us getting back together didn't hurt our lives one bit. I hadn't told my dad yet about this, not even Peter knows yet. I thought we could tell them over spring break.

I liked this. I missed this. Sometimes I completely forget about our troubled past. To make it easier, I barely ever use my powers which I guess means I'm in control of my powers.

Life was great, and I don't know anything that could ruin it.


"So, after school I thought we could go to the park", Barry says as we walked down the hall. I smiled at him and he smiled back at me.

"I'd love that. I could run back to my apartment and grab us some things for a picnic", I told him. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we continued to walk down the hall.

"That would be nice, only if it's not too much work for you."

"I could use my speed. I haven't used it in a while, but I could be done in a jiffy!" Barry laughed as he looked down at the ground and shook his head. "What? What did I say?"

"You said jiffy", he said chuckling. "I haven't heard anyone say that except for Joe."

"Hey, I have an old soul", I said as I jokingly punched his shoulder.

"That's why I love you. You don't care that you say things like jiffy instead of the crap people say these days."

I smiled to myself and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Well, I love you too, possibly more than you."

"Tyler, that's impossible", Barry said with a huge smile.

"Okay...whatever. Anyways, I have to get to class. I'll see you at the park after school", I say as I stand on my toes so I can reach Barry's cheek and kiss it quickly.

"See you then", Barry said and gave me a small peck on the top of my forehead. We then parted ways and ran off to our classes.


I had the basket packed and ready to go. I sped to the park and saw Barry laying down next to a tree. I ran to the front of him and saw him with his earbuds in. I kneeled down to the ground and looked into his beautiful eyes.

"Hey", I said leaning closer to him to kiss him on his soft lips.

"Hel-" Barry started but I had cut him off with my lips on his.

"Hel-" Barry started but I had cut him off with my lips on his

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I broke the kiss and Barry smiled at me.

"So, we've been here for a minute and we're already making out?" Barry asked.

"What, you don't like that?"

"No, I don't."

"Oh, I thought-"

"I love that", he said and grabbed me by the waist and pulled me back to him. He smashed his lips onto mine and I heard him laugh lightly through the kiss.

Once again we broke the kiss and I sat next to him, laying my head on his shoulder

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Once again we broke the kiss and I sat next to him, laying my head on his shoulder.

"This is nice", I said.

"What is?" Barry asked. I sighed and looked into his eyes.

"Everything...you, me, life."

"Can you explain?"

"I feel like everything is perfect right now. I'm doing well in school, you're doing well in school, we're happier than we could have ever been. I have someone who I can kiss and hug and cuddle with and they never complain...I love life right now."

Barry smiled as I talked and I laid back down onto his lap to look up at the blue sky.

"But the thing is..." I began, "I feel like someone or something is going to ruin everything. Like everything is perfect now and then something happens where we all crumble again."

"Tyler...as long as we're happy, I doubt anything can get in our way."

"I guess not", I said. Barry combed his fingers through my long brown hair as I looked up at the sky.



"Do you know how amazing you are? You make me feel so lucky that you're in my life."

"I feel lucky that I have you in my life", I replied and gave Barry a small hug as I still laid in his lap.

A/N***By the way, I don't know why, but I love the second GIF a lot for some reason. I hope I made this chapter special, I mean it is the 40th one.

Guys, comment how long you think this story is going to be or how long you'd like it to be!
What if we could make it all the way to 100 chapters?!?!?!

And because I love you, here is a sweet picture of Grant! (PEACE!!!)

And because I love you, here is a sweet picture of Grant! (PEACE!!!)

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