47. Weirder and Weirder

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I jolted awake. I looked around at my room.

Whoa....did I just have a dream within a dream?

My head was pounding. I got up from my bed and walked to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and splashed some water on my face.

I took a deep breath and walked to the kitchen to get some breakfast. I miss being able to talk to my dad in the mornings. I loved our little chats we had during breakfast and dinner.

After I ate, I walked upstairs and decided to do some homework.

I sat at my desk on my computer, doing homework. As I was working, my phone started to buzz. I picked it up to see an incoming call from Barry.

"Hello", I said after I answered the phone.

"Tyler, we're going out tonight", Barry said immediately.

"Barry", I chuckled, "I have homework to do. Finals are just around the corner."

"I didn't ask you. I'll pick you up at your house at 8 sharp."

"Barry, I-" I started but was soon cut off.

"Bye, love", Barry said and hung up.

I choked on my words and sighed. I guess I could use a night out.


It was 5 minutes to 8. I looked at my outfit in my body lenght mirror. I was wearing a maroon dress with a black collar, black sandals, and black and gold jewelry. My hair was curled nicely, and I had light makeup on with a bold lip color.

 My hair was curled nicely, and I had light makeup on with a bold lip color

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I was proud with how I looked and made my way downstairs. I waited on the porch for Barry to arrive. Soon enough he pulled in and got out of the car. I walked down off of the porch and smiled at Barry.

"You look stunning", Barry said with a large smile.

"Thanks, Bare." I leaned in a kissed him lightly. We walked to the car and he opened the door for me. I got in and buckled up.

Barry got in the car and smiled at me.

"Thank you for taking me out tonight. I really needed a break...after everything happening."

"I know. It's really hard that your dad isn't okay with us dating. Maybe one day, he'll understand", Barry said.

"Wait, Barry...that happened two years ago..."

"Tyler, are you feeling okay? Maybe we should call the date off."

"That happened two years ago!"

"No, Ty, that was last week..."

My heart started pounding. What is going on?

"Barry, can we go back?" I said, breathing heavily.

"Of course, anything for you", Barry said and took a U turn at the closest light.


We got back to my apartment and Barry and I walked upstairs. I ran into my closet and changed into a tank top and underwear and got in bed.

"Tyler...?" Barry started.

"Barry...please just stay here tonight...with me." I said. He looked at me with a worryingly expression.

"Yeah...yeah, okay", Barry said with a smile. He took off his button up shirt and trousers and got into the bed next to me. He wrapped one arm around me and brushed his fingers in my hair with the other.

I slowly fell asleep in his arms...trying to forget about all the crazy shit that was going on in my head.

A/N** So I think I'm gonna finish this book at chapter 50. After that, I want to work on a Spider-Man fanfiction and ALSO work on a second book in the series.

Also, guys, tell me your thoughts of the new Spider-Man and the new trailer for season 3 of the Flash! :) Thanks everyone for reading! Love you -Hannah

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