17. Sarah?

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~Peter's Point of View~

I walked down the hall and saw Barry and Tyler awkwardly standing next to each other.

"What is going on here?" I ask them. I got closer and crossed my arms.

"What are you talking about? We're fine! Nothing happened! What?" Barry shuddered.

"Barry..." I said as I raised my eyebrows.

Barry nervously looked from Tyler to me than back to Tyler. "I, uh, I-"

"We kissed..." Tyler lightly said. My eyes widened, and I pointed to Tyler and Barry rapidly.

"You...and you?! k-kissed? A-are you sure? Like was there physical contact? What?" I murmured.

Barry and Tyler nodded slowly in unison.

"How did this happen?" I asked them.

"The same way every other person kisses", Tyler said.

"So...are you like boyfriend and...girlfriend?"

Tyler looked at Barry. Barry looked at her confusingly and shrugged. "No...it was just a silly kiss", Barry said, "I mean, I don't really know, but for now we're just friends. Right, Ty?"

"Oh, um, yeah. Just friends", Tyler said as her lip quivered. That was one of her tells for when she was lying or even just lying to herself.

"Okay, sure, anyway, can we get to class. I don't want to miss anything", I say and they nod. We start to walk to class when I let Barry get in front.

I grabbed onto Tyler's arm and looked at her worryingly. "I saw your tell, Ty."

"My what?" she asks confusingly.

"Your tell. It's something you don't realize you do when you're lying. So tell me Tyler, how do you really feel about Barry?" I ask her in a whispered tone.

"Peter...I seriously don't know what you're talking about", she says with a fake laugh.

"Tyler, you're my best friend and you should be able to trust me, just like how I trusted you with my secret."

She sighed and took a deep breath. "Give me a second", she says and ran up to Barry. "I'll be right there, I need to do something quickly."

She ran back to me and sighed. "Look, Barry wants to just be friends, besides, he has the biggest crush on Iris, you know that. It was a mistake. The kiss shouldn't of happened. And because he just wants to be friends, I'm fine with that, and I'll deal with that", Tyler said, her lip quivering again.

"Tyler, stop lying!" I spoke loudly.

"Peter, what do you want me to say?" she asks me, as I see a tear form in her eye.

"That you want to be more than friends", I said sighing.

"Fine. I don't want to be just friends with Barry. I actually like him. Happy, Peter?"

I sigh and look down o my feet. "I just don't like that you were trying to lie to me..."

She walks closer to me and pulls me into a hug. I squeeze her tight and I hear her whimper into my neck. "I'm sorry, Pete..."

"It's okay, Ty, you got me...I'll always be here for you", I say and let go, "Now let's go to class."

She nods and we walk to class and sit next to Barry.


~Barry's Point of View~

"So, I was thinking movie night on Friday at my house", Tyler says as we sit down in the Cafeteria.

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