36. China

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A/N***What do you guys think of the new Spider-Man? Let me know!

~Tyler's Point of View~

"Who was that?" Owen asked me.

"It, uh, it was someone who hurt me..." I said to him.

"What? Why was he here?"

"I don't know, but all he had to say was sorry and that wasn't enough."

I wiped the tears from my eyes and stood up. "Tyler, why don't we go, get your mind off of him", Owen said.

"Like what?"

"Laser Tag?"

I looked at Owen and smiled. "That sounds great."


"I totally beat you", I told Owen as we walked out of the Laser Tag place.

"No you didn't! I won, the points prove it."

"Whatever, don't be such a sore loser" I said with a light chuckle.

"I am not a sore loser!"

"Uh huh, can we just go and get something to eat? I'm starving."

"Sure, what do you want?" Owen asked.

"Chinese food."

"Your wish is my command", Owen said grabbing onto my arm and teleported us to China.

"Wait, Owen, what are we doing in the real China?" I asked him.

"You wanted Chinese food, so here we are. The BEST dim sum in all of China!"

"Oh my god. This is amazing! Thank you, Owen."

"No problem, you deserve it", Owen said with a huge smile. I smiled back and we walked into the restaurant.


"That was amazing. Thank you Owen."

"I'm glad you liked it, but we should probably get back home", Owen said as he intertwined his fingers with mine.

In half a second we were back in my bedroom. I took a deep breath and sat down. "I'm still not used to that", I laughed.

"It's okay, I probably will never get used to how fast you can run."

"Yeah, I don't think anyone will."

"Well, I'll see you later, Tyler", Owen said smiling. He leaned in and kissed my cheek.

"Bye, Owen", I said and he disappeared into thin air.

I sighed and walked down to my father's lab. He was sitting down at his desk, typing something up.

"Hey, dad. What are you up to?" I asked him.

"Oh, nothing. It's just something little", he replied. "How was your day?"

"It was good. I went to China."

"That's great hunny, wait...you WHAT?!" He said shaking his head to go back to reality. "How did you do that in one day or without my permission?!"

"Um, Owen has teleportation powers. So we teleported to China for Chinese food."

"He couldn't just teleport you two to the nearest Panda Express?"

"It's fine. I'm fine, see...no injuries", I say twirling around.

"Okay, whatever. Just tell me next time you teleport out of the country."

"Okay, I will. I'm gonna go watch Baby Daddy in the theater", I said and run out of the lab.

When I get upstairs I see Peter dressed in his Spider-Man costume.

"Peter...what are you doing here?" I asked him.

"I know that you aren't ready to be in a relationship with anyone yet, but I am. And I want to be in that relationship with you...you, Tyler. I know you're going to reject me, but I just wanted to let you know what I'm feeling. I also want you to know that I wouldn't hurt you like Barry did. I will always love you, Tyler. Please, will you give us a chance?" Peter said as he took his mask off and looking at me with a sincere expression.

"Peter...I-", I choked, "I don't know what to say..."

"How about a yes?"

"C-can I think about it?" I asked him. He looked down at his feet then back at me with a clearly fake smile.

"Uh, yeah, sure. J-just tell me when you're ready", he said pulling his mask back over his head. "I'll go, I have to go and save the city."

And before I could even call him back, he had run off. I took a deep breath to help me from starting to cry again and just walked to the home theater to finish what I hadn't started yet.

A/N***Okay, so how did you like it? I'm starting to get confused myself when writing this. I need some new ideas for it, so leave some of your ideas and I'll see if I can do them! :)

Also, I wanted to tell you that when I'm older, and I have children, if I have a boy, his name is going to be Peter. I will be naming him Peter because my brother's name is Ben, in that case he can be called Uncle Ben, I just wish that his soon-to-be-wife's name was May XD Okay, and his entire room will be Spider-Man themed. Thank you. :) -Hannah

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