18. Telling the Truth

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The movie ended and we walked upstairs to my room. "So, we should do something outside of your house sometime, Tyler", Sarah says smiling.

"I don't think it's a good idea to be spotted with you, Sarah, no offense but you are technically a superhero and everyone knows who you are. People could figure out who I am", I tell her.

"Oh, come on, you need to let go. Why do you even listen to your dad? Why can't you just tell everyone?"

"Because maybe I don't want to be famous, maybe I want to live a normal life."

"Your life isn't going to be normal, Tyler, you're Tony Stark's daughter. He probably doesn't care if people found out!" Sarah scoffed.

"I care! Sarah, I care!" I yelled. A knock came from my door and my dad poked his head in.

"I heard my name", dad said smiling.

"It's nothing, dad..." I lie.

"Can we tell the world that Tyler is your daughter?" Sarah blurted out.

"SARAH!" I scream. Peter and Barry looked at me worryingly.

"Sarah, no, that is not going to happen. Tyler is fine, she doesn't need to tell the world who she is. It's not quiet time to tell..." dad said calmly.

"Thanks dad. Is Steve here? He can finally pick up Sarah..."

I know I was kinda being bitchy, but Sarah was getting on my last nerve. I wanted her gone, I didn't like the way she was acting, especially in front of Peter and Barry.

"Yeah, uh, he's downstairs. I actually invited everyone for dinner...is that okay?" dad said trying to fake a smile. I choked.

"Uh...I guess...can I just have dinner up here?" I ask him.

"Tyler, come on..."


"If I let Barry and Peter stay for dinner, will you eat downstairs with us?"

I look at Barry and Peter and they smile. They really wanted to meet everyone. I sighed and nodded my head. "Sure."

"Okay, I'll make room", dad said with a wide smile, "Bye, sweetie!"

I looked over to Sarah and she smiles at me. Well, Sarah liked to smile. It was a fake smile. Sarah smiles like Sarah does...

"Great, well, I need to talk to Barry and Peter, so can you go see you dad?" I ask Sarah.

"Oh course!" she says and walks out of my room. I sighed in relief and look at Barry and Peter.

"Peter...I think we should tell him", I say. Peter looks at me with wide eyes.

"What?" Peter says.

"Tell me what? What are you hiding from me?" Barry asks confusingly.

"Which thing?" Peter said.

"WHICH THING? There is more than one thing?"

"The bite..." I whisper.

"Tyler, are you sure?"

"I'm sure...it's time he found out. I think you can trust him", I say smiling.

Barry looks from me to Peter. "Oh god, Peter, did you get you dick bitten off?!"

"WHAT?! NO!" Peter says.

I laugh lightly. "Okay, we are getting of the subject. Peter..."

"Okay, okay. I got bit by a super spider..."

"What is a super spider?" Barry asked.

"It was one of the spiders at the field trip that you missed. It gave me these...abilities. Un-human abilities."

"Like what?"

"These senses I can't explain...and webs...that shoot out of my wrists", Peter sighs.


Peter flicks his wrist and it hits my wall. Barry jumps and looks at it. He gets up from the chair and walks over to it. It flicks it and it jiggles slightly.

"Whoa", Barry let out.

"You won't tell anyone, right?" Peter asked.

"Only if you don't want me too."

"Good, cause I don't want you too."

"I knew you could trust him, Peter", I said smiling.

He looked at me and smiled back. "Thanks, Ty, I don't like keeping secrets", Peter said and winked at me. I knew what I had to say, but I couldn't say it right now.

"Well, I think that's enough information for now", I say trying to change the subject.

"Wait, you said you were hiding multiple things", Barry said. Crap!

"Oh, well, not really. You must've heard wrong, Bare."

"Tyler, what are you hiding?"

"I think I'm gonna go to the bathroom..." Peter says and walks out of my room.

"Peter, don't leave me alone with him!" I yell.

"Why don't you want to be alone with me?" Barry asked with a worried expression plastered to his face.

"Oh, Bare, you heard that wrong. I'm sorry, I just-"

"Tyler, what is it?"

"Barry, I really don't know how to tell you..."

"Don't think about it, just say it."

"Then it will come out wrong. I don't know how I can say it without thinking about it. I think about it all the time, I think about you, I think about that kiss, I think about us, I think-"

Barry lips pressed against mine and the world stopped. I was muted, his hands moved to my waist and stayed there. I was frozen, I didn't know what to do. He let go after a few seconds and sighed.

"I really wanted to do that again..." Barry said as he breathed heavily.

"Barry, I-"

"I know...I get it. I'm sorry I didn't figure that out earlier." I looked into his soft eyes and he smiled. "Do you know how beautiful your eyes are?" he asked me. I looked down at the floor and blushed as I smiled.

He took his fingers and lifted my chin.

"Don't look down, I want to see you, I like you smile." He leaned closer and kissed my cheek. "Why don't we go downstairs and get ready for dinner."

I smiled at him and nodded. "Okay", I said and we stood up. Before he could walk out of my room, I grabbed onto him and turned him to face me. I pulled him into a hug and nudged my head into his chest. "I like this..."

He laughed a little and hugged me too. "Me too."

A/N***I just love this chapter, the last part I think is the cutest thing! I didn't really want to make this a Romantic book, but I like this small bit of a romance. Do you guys like Barry and Tyler together, or should there be a different couple? I was thinking Ty-Bare as a ship name...what do you think? Let me know! Thanks for reading ~H

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