32. Interviews

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"Hey, Tyler", dad said as he walked into my room. He sat down at my bed and I turned to face him in my chair at my desk.

"Hey, dad. What's up?" I asked him.

"So, I'm going to be interviewed today...and I've made the decision that it's best that people know I have a daughter", he said with a bright smile.

"Wait, you're going to tell an interviewer you have a daughter? You're going to tell them about me?"

"Yeah, I thought I shouldn't make you hide your identity for the rest of your life. It was selfish of me to make you hide like that. I want you to come with me."

My smile spread from ear to ear. I jumped from my chair and ran into my dad's arm. "Thank you, dad", I said.

"You're welcome. Now, get ready, you have to look nice."

I nodded and he walked out of my room.


We got into the limo and my dad smiled at me. "You look beautiful", my dad said to me.

"Thanks", I said and looked down at my outfit.

I was wearing teal lace dress with black strap sandals and a set of gold necklaces. I had my hair curly with some pulled back into braids.

 I had my hair curly with some pulled back into braids

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I smiled to myself and leaned onto my dad's shoulder. I can't believe he was going to tell the world.


We reached the place where the interview was taking place and got out of the limo. I looked at my dad and he smiled.

"Ready?" he asked me.

"Why are you asking me? You're the one talking", I said as we started to walk.

"I know, I'm just wondering if you're ready to be the daughter of a famous superhero and billionaire."

"You mean if I'm ready to not hide that I'm the daughter of a famous superhero and billionaire?"

"Yeah, exactly", dad says, "Now, let's get this over with so we can go eat dinner like a normal family."

I smiled at my dad and we walked into the building. A lady guided us to a room with chairs and a woman smiling at us.

"Who is this?" she asked my dad.

"You'll find out soon", dad said with a smile and sat down at the seat.

"Okay then, let's get started."


"So, I know this was an interview", dad said interrupting the questions given to him. "But I wanted to talk about someone special today other than myself. Tyler, will you please come here?"

I sat up from the chair behind the camera and sat at the chair next to my dad's.

"This..." dad started, "This is my daughter, Tyler Stark. For the longest time I've kept her a secret and she went to school under a fake identity. I have decided to let the world know that she is my daughter and I love her very much."

"Well then...there you have it folks! Tony Stark has a daughter", the interview said.

"AND CUT!" a man behind the camera said.

"Um, Tyler, is it?" the girl asked me.

"Yeah, that's my name", I said with a small smile.

"Do you think we could get an exclusive interview with you? You know, get to know the real you a little better?"

I looked at my dad and he smiled at me. "It's up to you, sweetie, you're a free woman now."

I looked back at the woman and nodded. "I'd love to."

"Great! How about next Thursday?" she asked me.

"That's fine, I'll be free", I said with a smile.

"Awesome, see you then", she said with a smile.

Dad wrapped his arm around my shoulder and we walked out of the room.

"I'm proud of you, Tyler", dad said.

"Thanks dad", I replied.

I can't believe people are going to know the real me now.

A/N**I KNOW! I'VE BEEN GONE FOR SOOOO LONG! I'M SO SORRY! I've been down for the past couple of weeks, and my mom got married, and I've been really stressed. I've also been trying to catch up with my school work so I don't fail, and I went shadowing at LVA (Las Vegas Academy of the Arts) for a day, so yeah...I've been busy.

Trust me, I'll be back with more soon. Bye :) ~Hannah

P.S. I know it's a little short but the next one should be longer.

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