13. They Got The Shooter

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"They got the shooter, they said he's south on fifth avenue. They have three cars on pursuit", a cop said.

I knew what I had to do. I had to find the man who killed Uncle Ben and get my revenge. How could anyone kill him? I got up and walked away from Uncle Ben's lifeless body.


I ran and ran down the dark alley; putting on my mask from the wrestling match. I threw a web towards the building and flew up as it stuck to the wall. I started to climb on the wall to get to the top and climb on the roof. I jumped off and onto a poll then onto another roof top and another until I got to the top of a rounded roof. I stopped to watch the police cars run by on the street below.

I flung my wrist for the web to shoot out and hit a building. I grabbed it tightly and swung over before I could reach it I swung a web to another building as I was flying over the streets of New York. I jumped onto the car that was driving away from the cop cars. The man looked up at the roof quickly as he skid on the side of another car. I punched my hand into the roof and tried to grab onto the man's face. He grabbed a gun and tried to shoot it at the roof but he missed me as I jumped up and onto the truck next to him. A bridge came and I jumped over it to land back onto the truck.

I saw that he was getting away so I jumped so far; I landed on the front of the car. I hit the glass and he yelled as it broke. I jumped off just in time before he crashed into a gate and stopped. The cop cars surrounded him as he tried to run away.

He went into the building in front of him and took out his gun, pointing it all around. I slowly made my way towards him without him noticing.

"Who's there?" he screamed.

He shot at my shadow and I slide down the celling behind him, then I slide back up. He started to run away to the door as I grabbed his shirt and threw him away from it. Then I threw him back into the glass window making it break. Then I hit him against the other window. He took out a knife and tried to slice me with it. I kicked him as he hit the wall behind himself. I took of my mask as he began to speak.

"Don't hurt me, just give me a chance", he begged, "JUST GIVE ME A CHANCE!"

"What about my uncle?" I asked him, "Did you give him a chance? DID YOU?!"

I threw him back into the wall with my hands not letting go.

"Don't hurt me!" I looked at him for one second for me to realize... he was the guy I let go at the arena.

I stepped back in thought as he started to laugh. He took his gun and pointed at my head.

"See ya", he said but before he could blow my face off, I grabbed onto the gun and twisted his arm. "No." He tripped on a pipe and went flying out the window and he fell onto the ground outside. I got away before the police could catch me.

A/N***Tell me what you thought in the comments...just a short simple chapter.. :)

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