19. Dinner

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Barry and I sat down at the table next to Peter and my dad. My dad glared at Barry suspiciously. I hope he didn't make a big scene in front of everyone.

I looked around at everyone at the table. Natasha, Clint, Bruce, Steve, Sarah, Thor, Althea (FYI, that's Thor's daughter), Ororo, T'challa, and their children A'zari, Kymera, and Rain. My dad say across from me with Pepper.

"Okay, so, how is everyone?" my dad asked looking around at everyone awkwardly.

"I'm passing my classes in school!" I told him.

"Not now, Tyler", he told me and I slid down in my chair. Barry looked at me and frowned. He placed his hand on top of mine and squeezed it lightly.

"What's wrong?" Barry asked smiling at me.

"It's just that my dad never wants to talk about me when he's around his friends, like I'm a disappointment", I tell Barry.

I must've said that to loudly because everyone turned their attention to me...even dad. "I do not!" dad said.

I looked at him, knowing some kind of punishment would happen after everyone was gone.

"I-um, sorry-", I mumbled and straightened my back.

"So, Tyler, why don't you tell everyone about your new boyfriend", Sarah said as she crossed her arms and looked at me with a fake smile.

"WHAT?!" I said choking on my water. My glass hit the table in anger and I looked at her.

"Tyler, what is Sarah talking about?" dad asked, crossing his arms as well.

"Nothing, she's just making stuff up!" I said.

Barry looked at me and to my dad. "Mr. Stark, I can assure you your daughter and I are not dating", Barry says to him.

"I don't care what you have to say young man", dad said, glaring at Barry.

"Dad, please, stop", I tell him.

"NO TYLER! I WON'T STOP!" he screamed.

"Well this got a whole lot of awkward", Clint said rubbing his hands together nervously.

"Clint, don't butt in", Natasha said, "This isn't your conversation."


"Tyler, come here", he said and got up from the table and walked into his office. I walked behind him, taking deep breaths, and closed the door behind me.

"Dad, let me explain-" I tried to say.

"Tyler, what the heck was Sarah talking about, is there more happening with Barry that I didn't know about?"

"Dad, no-"

"Tyler don't lie to me."


He grunts and crosses his arms.

"What do you have against Barry anyways? He's not bad, he has good grades, he's smart-"

"What I have against him? What I have against him is that he likes my daughter. You can't date anyone, it's not happening!"

"Dad, I almost 17!"

"Not to me you aren't! You, Tyler STARK, is not dating anyone", he says angrily.

"Fine, but AMELIA SAWYER who isn't your daughter can!" I yelled and ran out of the room and up to my bedroom.

~Barry's Point of View~

"So, you like Tyler?" Sarah asks me.

"I'd rather not say", I say nervously as everyone there looked at me.

The next thing I see is Tyler storm out of the office and run up the large stairs of her house.

"Tyler?!" I yell and get from my seat.

"NO! You are not allowed to go see her!" Mr. Stark said. I gulped and looked from him to the stairs and hear her door slam. I looked at him again and see his glare getting worse.

That was it, I wasn't leaving her alone, I ran away from the table and up the stairs.

"BARRY!" he screamed at me. I charged up the stairs and knocked on the door.

"Tyler, it's me", I said through the door. She opened the door and her eyes were covered in tears. "Oh my god, Tyler, are you okay?!"

I got closer to her and placed my hands on her soft face. I wiped away her tears with my thumbs and smiled at her.

"It's okay, you're going to be fine", I told her. I gave her a hug and squeezed her tightly.

"No, Barry, it won't be okay, I can't like anyone, my dad won't let me do anything", she cried into my arm. I ran my fingers into her soft hair and looked into her eyes.

"I don't care what your dad thinks, he can't control your entire life. It's already hard enough to live with two personalities and you aren't even Hannah Montana", I said making her smile. "Look at that, I made you laugh."

"Smiling is different than laughing, Bare."

"Yeah, but both are beautiful", I said and smiled at her. She looked down and blushed and then looked back up at me.

We looked at each other for a little with our foreheads touching when someone knocked at the door. The door opened and there stood Tony Stark.

"Sir, I-" I started.

"Out", he said flattly.


"Look, Barry, I need time to think so can you and Peter just leave, everyone one else went back to their houses."

I nodded and hugged Tyler once more. I let go and walked passed him in the doorway. I looked back to see Tyler trying to form a smile. I waved goodbye to her and walked down the stairs to meet with Peter.

"Why do superheroes have to be so dramatic?" I asked Peter.

"Hey, I'm not dramatic", Peter joked.

"Okay, middle aged superheroes with children."

"Better", Peter said smiling and we walked out to my car and drove away.

A/N***Is it possible to get feels from your own story?! Like Ty-Bare is getting to me guys! What do you think will happen next?! Comment your thoughts! :) -Hannah

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