34. Peter and I

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I woke up from my bed. Once again resting on Peter's lap, except, I don't remember anything that happened after Teen Wolf ended. I jumped up from the bed and noticed that I had changed into my Doctor Who pajama pants. Every time I change into my pajamas I realize how much of a geek I am.

I grabbed my phone to check the time to see that it was 10:32 in the morning. I walked downstairs and saw my dad sitting at the bar with a glass of wine.

"Dad, hi", I said awkwardly.

"Good morning, Tyler. I see you and Peter have gotten...closer", my dad said as he took a sip from his glass.

"What? No, no, we're as close as we have always been."

"So...you've always been that close when you were dating Barry?"

"Wait, what?" I say, "What do you mean?"

"Last night. You came out for a snack and wine. I let you have it because you're 18 and responsible. You and Peter walked up stairs practically clung together."

"And you didn't stop him?"

"Well, Tyler, you're 18. I thought you wanted to be treated like a grown up now", dad said.

"Do you know what else we did?"

"Uh, no...should I have?" Dad asked confused.

"I, uh, I guess not. You know what, I'll just figure this out myself", I said to him starting to walk away.

"Wait, Tyler, what do you mean?"

"Nothing, it's fine, I got this."

I turned around and ran up the stairs to my room to see Peter sitting down on my bed with his phone.

I walked into my room, closer to Peter and he looked up at me with shock on his face.

"Peter, what is it?" I asked him.

"Barry's coming back to visit...he just texted me. Tyler, this isn't good!" Peter said.

"What?!" I yelled.

"You guys, you left off on bad terms. I don't want him to hurt you again."

"Peter, I'll just stay away from him while he's here, it should be fine." I said.

"I guess. I can distract him so he doesn't try and visit", Peter said.

"Okay, but I have one question for you?"


"Yeah...you. Do you remember what we did last night?" I asked him.

He looked at me confused and put his phone down. "You don't remember?"

"Is it wrong that I don't?"


"Peter, please, what happened?" I asked again.

"You really want to remember?" Peter asked standing up from the bed. I nodded and he walked closer to me. "Fine, I'll show you what happened."

(Wait til the end for an alternate ending)

Once Peter was inches away from my face he looked into my eyes and slowly closed them as his lips crashed onto mine. My eyes split open from shock as he hands slowly made their way up to my neck and cheek. He broke the kiss minutes later and took a deep breath.

"That's what happened", Peter said. I sighed, trying to get my breath back as Peter looked at me with a small smile.

"Oh, um, Peter, I-" I started but was cut off.

"I know, I know. Last time we did that it ended up with us not talking for awhile and then you came out to the whole world as Tyler Stark and I ran back to you and we had a moment together. But, Tyler, you...you and Barry, that's over. We can be together, you and me, Spider-Man and a superhero with no cool name yet."

"Peter, I can't do that right now. I don't know how I feel. Peter, I do like you, actually I love you, but I still also love Barry, even if he did hurt me. You have to give it time. I need to learn more about this love thing." I tell him and he looks down at the ground and sighs.

"I, uh, I get it. I'll stop bugging you", he said grabbing his sweater from the back of my desk chair. "I'll see you around, Tyler."

Peter walked out of my room and closed the door behind him. I ran to my bed and smashed a throw pillow into my face letting out a scream. I let my body fall onto the entire bed and started punching the mattress. Why does all of this shit have to happen to me? Why does my life have to be a cliché freaking movie?

-Alternet ending-

"You really want to remember?" Peter asked standing up from the bed. I nodded and he walked closer to me. "Fine, I'll show you what happened."

Once Peter was inches away from my face he looked into my eyes and reached his hand behind my ear and stepped back a little to reveal a coin in between his index and thumb.

"Ta da! We learned magic tricks silly. What else would we have done last night?" Peter said with a light laugh.

"Seriously? We learned magic? Magic?"

"Yeah, you were really into after you had a glass of wine."

"Oh, okay..."

"So, I have to get to work but I'll see you later", Peter said grabbing his sweater off of the back of my desk chair. He walked back to me and gave me a small hug. He then walked out of my room, closing the door behind him.

I sighed in relief as I sat down back at my bed. I looked at my phone and opened up my game to get my mind off of things. Dang, Flappy Bird is SO addicting!

A/N***Okay, so my recent readers, tell me which ending you like better and one of them will stay and one of them will go. I'll give you about a week to decide! Because it depends on which one so I continue writing the story! Okay I hope you liked it! More to come!

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