9. Field Trip

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Today we were going on a field trip to Oscorp and I was in a group with Peter. I was wearing a black tank top with mid waist jeans and my black on black converse. I had on my maroon beanie and glasses. My hair was up into a messy ponytail.

"I'm really excited to go to Oscorp", I tell Peter as we were in line to get onto the bus.

"Me too! I heard they have changed the DNA of spiders!" he says smiling.

"Don't get hurt Parker", I joke.

"Why would you think I would get h-" he says as he hits his head onto the door of the bus. "Ow...okay, I understand now."

I laugh as he shakes it off and we walk into the bus.


"Pete!" I hear a voice yell from behind us as we start to walk into the building. We turn around and see Peter's old friend walk over to him.

"Hey, Harry", Peter says.

"Harry! Will you be needing this?" a man in possibly his 40's said walking over and handing Harry a backpack.

"Um Peter, may I introduce my father, Norman Osborn", he says extending his arm to point to the man.

"I've heard so much about you", he says shaking Peter's hand. I feel so awkward just standing here.

"It's a great honor to meet you sir", Peter says.

"Harry tells me you're a science wiz. You know I'm somewhat of a science wiz myself."

"I read everything on all your technology, really brilliant. I wrote a paper on it."

"Impressive. Your parents must be very proud."

"I live with my aunt and uncle, they are proud."

"Well, um...hi I'm Tyler", I nervously say putting out my hand to shake Norman's and Harry's hand. They shake mine and I smile.

"Nice to meet you", Harry says turning to Peter and smirking. I furrow my eyebrows confused.

"New girlfriend?" Harry whispers to Peter.

"No, just a friend", Peter says nudging Harry's shoulder.

I cough. "Best friend."

"Hey you three! Get over here!" the teacher yelled.

"Come on, let's move", I say.

"There are over thirty-two thousand known species of spider in the world", the tour guide said.

Peter looks over to me, "Wow, that's amazing."

"Yeah", I say.

"This is the most advances electroscope on the eastern seaboard."

Peter looked over to Maryjane as we walked down the room.

We walk over to a case with a spider in it. It jumped from one stick to another and Peter picked up his camera.

"For the school paper?" he asked the lady who was guiding us. She nodded and he put the camera up to his eye. But then he was shoved by the guy behind him, missing his shot to take it. Fucking assholes.

We head to the next spiders and as Peter tries to take another picture the guy's friend nudges him.

"Leave him alone", I say.

"Yeah, leave him alone", Harry says. Dude, I got this.

"Or what?" the other one says.

"Or his dad will fire my dad."

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