46. What?

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"Okay...this is going to hurt", Bruce says to me sincerely.

"Hit me." I said to him, nodding. Bruce nods back and flips the switch. A blast of a bolt hits me in the chest and I screamed. The pain hurt so much, I can't even describe it in words.

The blast turned off and Bruce ran to me and unstrapped me from the chair.

"So?" he said.

"It's not gone..." I said, tears forming in my eyes.

"How do you know?"

"I can just tell, Bruce. It's not gone!" I said with anger. I felt my head get hot and the red beams shot from my eyes.

"Okay, okay, you're right. I'm sorry, Ty. I'm really trying."

"I know you are. I'm sorry too", I said as a tear trickled down my cheek.

"We can do a few more tests", Bruce says going back to his desktop.

"Okay, Bruce. I'm gonna go take a nap first", I said. He nodded to me and I went to my room.

I plopped onto my bed and closed my eyes. I wanted this to all stop.


"Tyler, wake up", my friend Stacey said to me. I felt her cold hands try and shake me awake.

I moaned a little and flickered my eyes open.

"W-what time is it?" I yawned.

"It's almost 3! Wake up!" Stacey yelled.

My eyes shot open. "What?!"

"Did you have some weird dream or something?"

"I, uh, I guess I did."

"What was is it about?" Stacey asked me. I squinted my eyes a little, remembering my dream.

"I lived in New York...and I had two best friends named Barry and Peter."

"That's it? That's what kept you sleeping for that long?"

I knew there was more to the dream...but I didn't want her to think I was crazy. "Yeah, I guess", I told her. She slightly sighed and started to walk towards my bedroom door.

"Hurry up and get ready, we have our double date to get to", Stacey said and walked out of my room, closing the door behind her.

That was so weird...why did I have a dream like that?

A/N***Now bare with me with this ending and short chapter. There will either be 4 more chapters or this is the last chapter. I'll give you a notice soon on what I'm planning to do. -Hannah

Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die (Marvel/DC)Where stories live. Discover now