11. Alley

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I arrived at Peter's house and knocked on the door. His Aunt May opens the door and smiles at me sweetly.

"Hello", she says.

"Hello, is Peter home?" I ask her.

"Yeah, always." She walks away to the stairs and yells lightly. "Peter, honey, your friend is here."

I hear footsteps over me and soon Peter runs down.

"Okay, we're gonna go out", he says giving his aunt a hug. "Bye Aunt May!"

"Bye sweetheart!"

He grabs his jacket and we walk outside.

"Are you going to show me what happened to you yet?" I ask him as we jog slowly.

"Yeah, come on", he says and starts to jog faster.

We end up at an alley and Peter turns to me and smiles.

I cross my arms and cough. "What?" He places his hands onto the brick wall. "Peter..." he then lifts and puts his feet onto the fall. He climbs the wall slowly. "WHAT THE HELL?!" he chuckles lightly and jumps down.

"What happened to you?" I yell.

"That's not just it", he says.

"There's more?" I ask.

He nods and rolls up his sleeves. He flicks his wrist and a web appears clinging to the brick wall.

"I don't understand..."

"That spider, the super spider...it must have given these abilities to me!"

"How is that possible, Peter?"

"I don't know, maybe its venom. Anyways, this is awesome!"

"I'm not sure about that."

"What do you mean?"

"You shouldn't tell anyone about this, Pete. That could make people come after you."

"What about Barry?"

"I'm not sure yet. Barry is our best friend, but he is a little crazy with science."

"So am I", Peter says crossing his arms.

"Different science, Peter", I scoff.

"Okay, whatever", he begins, "Can we just not think about that right now. I have to do something."


"Sorry Tyler", he says and climbs up the wall. I grunt even though I was amazed at what Peter could do.


~Peter's Point of View~

I needed to practice with these abilities. I placed my can of Dr. Pepper onto my dresser and flicked my wrist so that the web would fling to catch it but it just my plant, then my picture and shattered it. I finally caught it and swung it into my hand. I flicked the web to my lamp and it swung over to me, breaking as it hit the wall.

A knock at my door startled me and I walked over to it. I opened it a crack and looked out. It was Aunt May.

"Peter, what's going on in there?" she asks me.

"I'm exercising Aunt May, I'm not dressed", I say softly.

"Oh, okay, just be careful. You've been so strange lately."

I close the door and look around my room. It was covered in the webs.


I walked down the stairs and saw Aunt May and Uncle Ben in the living room. "Hey, I'm going to the downtown library. See you later", I say.

"Oh, yeah, wait Pete. I'll, uh, I'll drive you there buddy", Uncle Ben says.

"Oh no, I'll take the train."

"No, no, no, I need the exercise. Go on, go, go, go, go", he says grabbing his jacket and we walk outside.


We park outside the library and I as I'm about to get out I say, "Thanks for the ride Uncle Ben."

"Now, wait a minute, Peter", he begins, "We, uh, we need to talk."

"We can talk later."

"Well, we can talk now...if you let me."

"What do we have to talk about? Why now?"

"Because we haven't talked at all for so long your Aunt May and I don't even know who you are anymore. You skip your chores, you have all those weird experiments in your room, and you're starting fights at school-"

"I didn't start that fight, I told you that", I say interrupting him.

"Well, you sure as hell finished it", he says.

"What was I supposed to do? Run away?"

"No, no, you are not supposed to run away, but Pete look, you're changing, I know, I went through exactly the same thing at your age."

"No, not exactly", I say smiling to myself.

"Peter, these are the years when a man changes into the man he's going to become for the rest of his life. Just be careful of who you change into. This guy Flash Thompson, he probably deserved what happened, but just because you can beat him up, doesn't give you the right to." Then he pauses. "Remember, with great power comes great responsibility."

"Are you afraid I'm gonna turn into some kind of criminal?" I ask him. "Quit worrying about me, okay? Somethings different, I'll figure it out. Stop lecturing me, please!"

"I don't mean to lecture you, and I don't mean to preach, and I know I'm not your father-"


He nods slowly and looks down at the steering wheel. "Right...I'll pick you up here at ten."

Without saying anything, I get out of the car and close the door. He drives off and I walk away. Not to the library, but to the arena for wrestling.

A/N***Comment what you think! Also, December 31, New Year's Day is the day my Carl Grimes Fanfiction comes out. What would you rather read...A Carl Grimes or Barry Allen Fanfic? Tell me in the comments! Don't forget to vote :)!

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