35. I Still Love You

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Before this begins, can I just say how much fun this story is to write? Also is it as much fun for you to read it as it is for me to write it?

~Barry's Point of View~

I know I shouldn't do this

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I know I shouldn't do this. I know I shouldn't go see her. I know it was a stupid idea but it had to be done. I don't know what I would do if I couldn't see Tyler one more time.

I knocked on her door, cautiously. The door slowly opened with Tyler laughing with her head facing the other way. She slowly turned her head back while she said, "Hold on a minute", to someone in the house.

When she saw me her smile faded and her eyes widened. Soon enough I heard her gulp...in a bad way.

"B-Barry...hi?" Tyler choked out.

"Who's at the door?" I heard a voice say from the back.

"Uh, it's just someone. I'll be right back", she said stepping out of the house and closing the door behind you.

"Hi...Tyler", I said.

"Uh, wha-what are you doing here?"

I looked at her and sighed. "I needed to see you. What I did, what I had done, it was stupid and I was stupid. I wanted to apologize."

"Oh, okay then. Thanks for apologizing. You can go now", Tyler said reaching for the door to go back inside.

"Tyler, wait!" I said grabbing her arm.


"I love you, Tyler. Please, forgive me."

"Barry, what you did. You didn't even tell me you moved! Then I caught you cheating with someone over the PHONE?! That is not okay."

"I know, I know. It was the worst thing I have ever done. Once I knew how much I had broken your heart, I never spoke to her again. I still have feelings for you."

"Barry, I-" Tyler started but I interrupted.

"Can we at least go back to being friends?"

Tyler looked at me with tears flooding her eyes. "You don't even understand, Bare. I have to live with wanting to hate you. I have to live with guilt I shouldn't have! It wasn't me that did the wrong thing, it was YOU, and I have that guilt. I think about you everyday, because I have to live with wanting to hate you when I still love you and it's not fair to me. Okay Barry, it's not fair!"

Tyler fell to the ground with her head in her palms. Her sobs started to fall to the ground. "Tyler-"

"LEAVE BARRY! GO AWAY!" Tyler screamed. I jumped back a step. I was sad and worried. I didn't know I had hurt her this much. I turned around, looking back every few steps and got to my car.

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