37. Wished To Save Her

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"Be back later, dad", I said as I threw on my cardigan. I grabbed my backpack and walked out of the house.

It was a little rainy that day, and a little cloudy, but I wanted to go out to get some fresh air. I wanted to go to the local coffee shop and relax by myself.


I sat down with my iced coffee in my hand and phone in the other. I put them both down and took my computer out of my backpack. I wanted to apply to some colleges. I wanted to be a normal girl and go to school to get a decent job without my dad's help.

My fingers typed on the keyboard and looked up colleges. I was thinking about New York Arts Academy, I wanted to be a writer or journalist.


I was done at the coffee shop and I packed my stuff back into my backpack. I walked outside and it was a little darker now. I walked down the sidewalk when a guy in a black hoodie stopped me.

"Excuse me, kind lady", he said in a raspy tone.

"Yes, sir?" I asked.

"Do you know how I can get to Tony Stark's house?"

I looked down at his pocket to see him holding something on the inside. I knew what was about to happen.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know", I said and started to walk away.

I heard his footsteps start behind me and grab the collar of my sweater, making me fall into his arms. His hand landed on my mouth with a paper towel. I slowly got drowsy and closed my eyes.

~Tony's Point of View~

"Tyler?" I yelled out into the house. No response. "Jarvis, look for Tyler."

"Sorry, sir. She is not here", Jarvis said.

I scratched my head to think. Maybe she was with Peter or Owen.

I called Peter's phone number and it started ringing. "Hello?" Peter said through the phone.

"Peter, is Tyler with you?" I asked him.

"No, sorry, Mr. Stark."

"Okay, thanks anyway, Peter", I said and hung up. I then put in Owen's number.

"Hello, who is this?" He said into the phone.

"Owen, is Tyler with you?"

"No, wait, is she missing?" He asked.

"Yeah, I think so." I started then the phone hung up. "Owen?"

"We need to find her", his voice said from behind me.

"Okay, Owen, please don't teleport into my home unexpectedly.

"Sorry, but now I'm worried", Owen said.

"It's okay, we're going to find her", I said.

I sighed and walked to my lab with Owen following behind me. I sat at my desk and turned on my computer. "Sir", Jarvis said.

"Yes, Jarvis?" I asked.

"You have a video sent to you."

"Okay, pull it up on my computer."

The video popped up and a guy was standing there. "Tony...Stark. I finally have a way to get to you! I have your daughter", the man said. "Now, if you want her. You're going to have to find her. When or if you find her, I want something too. I want a million dollars!" The video then ended.

(A/N**Sorry, but I had to add this GIF. It's not really him in this though.)


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