Part 37

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"Hayley?"  I call hanging up the phone.

"Yeah?" She answered sitting up in bed.

"You need to get ready. I booked you an appointment, its for 5 that was the last one they had left today." i told her

"Jason maybe we should just leave it, I mean I'm feeling a bit better than earlier." Hayley said starting to get up.

"No Hayley, because this happens everyday it gets better as the day goes on but you wake up terrible again. You need to get checked." i told her.

"Fine" she sighed giving in.

Two hours later we were sitting in the waiting room in the doctors. Hayley Shifted awkwardly in her seat next to me. "You okay?" I asked her.

"I hate the doctors office." she groaned.

"Everyone does but you need to see him Hayley."

"I know." she sighed. I was about to try and take her mind off it when a nurse called her name.

"Hayley Stokes?" she said looking straight at her since she was the only girl sitting. Hayley stood up and grabbed my hand pulling me with her. "It's fine if you just come in yourself." the nurse said when she seen me walking with Hayley.

"No I'd rather he came with me." Hayley told her.

"Fine suit yourself." she mumbled while signalling for us to follow her to a room. "Doctor Benet will be in shortly." she told us leaving the room.

"what's her problem." I groaned once she had left.

"I don't know she might have thought you came without me asking you to."

"Whatever." I huffed just as the doctor walked in.

"Hello I'm Doctor Benet, you must be Hayley correct." he asked point to Hayley whist subtly looking at his clipboard. Hayley nodded and he soon turned his attention to me. "and you are?"

"Her fiancé, Jason." I replied putting my hand out for him to shake, he shook it briefly before turning back to Hayley.

"So what seems to be the problem miss stokes?"


"Umm well I've just been really sick lately." I stuttered

"Okay, what else? is there something specific that brings it on?" Doctor Benet asks.

"Well not really. It is worse in the morning though. Like I can wake up feeling terrible and throwing up but start to feel a bit better as the day goes on." I told him quietly. I always hated coming to the Doctors and usually allowed my  mom to come with me to do the talking. Jason would have spoken if I asked him to but if I was to stay quiet and allow him to talk for me I would look like a complete idiot.

"And how long has this been going on?"

"About a week." Jason cut in feeling my unease. I looked over at him and gave a small smile as a thanks.

"Alright." The Doctor mumbled writing something down. "Well Hayley if I'm being honest I think there is a obvious reason for your symptoms." he went on. I looked at him confused before turning my head to look at Jason seeing he was just as confused as me.

"Hayley have you been sexually active in the past few months?" as soon as the words left his mouth I felt my checks heating up and could imagine myself looking like a tomato.

I coughed awkwardly before mumbling a "Yes" and seeing Jason smirking from the corner of my eye, somehow finding this situation amusing.

"Well then it sounds as though you may be in the early stages of pregnancy." he told me. my breathe hitched  in my throat as I took in what he had just told me and Jason earlier smirk had been removed from his face as he stared at the doctor with a face I wasn't able to read.

"What?" I questioned. "No I don't think its that I......"  I stuttered

"Have you had your period at all this month?" he questioned

"Well no. But they have always been off since the start." I tried to change his mind.

"I think we should run some tests and see what comes back eh? The doctor asked sounding completely positive in his theory. "Hayley if you follow me we will go and take some blood." He said motioning for me to go with him from the room. "Jason you can just wait in the waiting area for miss Stokes we wont be long." he said over his shoulder and I turned to look at a lost Jason slowly following his orders.

I walked behind the doctor into another room where he proceeded to take blood from my arm explaining to me the test he was going to run with it.

"Well this will take a few minutes Hayley" he told me once he got the blood he needed. "So you can go ahead and wait with your fiancé and I will call you both in as soon as I have the results." I nodded quietly thanked him before walking out the room to go face Jason..............


I'm so sorry it has taken me so long to post I've just been really busy with exams, but that's me finished and on holiday from school so I should be able to post a lot more often. xxx

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