Part 5

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....."Dad what are you doing home?" i asked shoving Jason off me causing him to land on the floor, i grabbed my shirt and quickly put it on.

"Its my house ill be here when ever i want, now what the hells going on here? Whats he doing here? How do you Even know him?"

"Dad calm down i...."

"don't tell me to calm down" he turned to Jason "what the hell you doing in my house? Did you think u could mess with my daughter to try and get to me?!!" he wouldn't stop yelling.

"I'm not messing with your daughter, I'm her boyfriend and have been for the last 8 months!!" oh god now Jason's yelling too this cant end well.

"Yeah well 8 months to many, get out my house, Hayley you've not to see him again, hes nothing but trouble!!"

"But dad i..." i started to argue but Jason got in before me.

"You cant tell her who she can or cant see!! In fact you should jus-"

"Jason please just go" i said then added quietly "ill come see you later once he has left."

"fine" he mumble walking out slamming the door behind him. Hes pissed i could tell, hes always hated authorities and if anyone told him he wasn't allowed to do something he just had to argue (or fight) over it.

"Hayley go to your room, and i mean it i want you to stay away from him hes no good. The guy who got shot yesterday, the one that set the bomb off at the funeral was his brother. Your better to stay away."

"yeah his brother not him!"

"he may not have blown anything up but the kids got a file a mile long at the station." my dad told me.

"i think you exaggerating he isn't that bad" i half lied, Jason was always in some sort of trouble if it wasn't at school then it was at home if it wasn't at home it was with the cops. It was like trouble was just attracted to him.

"Well hes not far off it. Just do as your told"                                                                             

"whatever" i sighed heading up the stairs.

"I need to go back to work, i don't want you to leave the house do you hear me?"


"right well bye" and with that he was out the door i waited ten minutes before getting up to go to Jason's. Just so i knew my dad was far enough away that i wont get caught.

It was like a half hour walk to Jason's from mine and once i got to his neighbourhood i instantly got that uncomfortable feeling i always do when I'm in it alone. Its not the most safe place to be, and i only felt OK walking through it when i had Jason there.

I quickened my pace so i could get to Jason's quicker. Once i was there i knocked on the door and Hutchbee answered, hes Jason's, well to be honest I'm not sure what he is to him but Jason lives with him anyway.

"is Jason home?"

"Upstairs" he grunted, he was a horrible man who always had a stern look on his face. He opened the door and let me in.

"Thanks" i mumbled running upstairs to Jason's room. His room door was closed over so i knocked it not wanting to just barge in. He opened the door and one of the first things i noticed was his very poorly bandaged hand.

"what happened?" i asked taking a hold of it.

"i was mad, so i kinda punched the wall."

"oh for goodness sake Jason really? You haven't even wrapped it up right wheres the first aid kit?"

"in the bathroom, buts its fine really"

"shut up" i told him retrieving it "give me your hand!" He gave in and let me fix it asking what happened with my dad after he left, so i told him everything, laughing at the part about his file.

"Really that big? I'm doing well ehh?"

"That's nothing to be proud of Jason" i told him.

"I'm kidding babe"

"hmm" i said, then something caught my eye, papers. I reached over to see what was on them but before i got a hold of them Jason grabbed them and put it away.

"what are they?" i asked curiously.

"ohh umm school stuff."

"its summer"

"Yeah but i wanted a head start" i knew he was lying.

"You don't even do work during school why should i believe that your doing it in summer?"

"can you just leave it Hayley? Please?"

"Fine OK" i said letting it go for now, i just hope hes not planning anything stupid.

After hanging in Jason's for a while he walked me home, i made him stop at the end of the street though just in case my dad had the neighbours watching or something. He is a cop so i wouldn't put it past him. I kissed Jason and said "bye ill text you later, love you"

"Okay love you two" he replied kissing me once more. I then turned and headed towards my house, my dads car wasn't in the drive away so i could get in without him knowing i left. Just as i got in the door a voice called from the living room.

"and were have you been" ....

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