Part 17

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"Hey man." i said to the man behind the front desk.

"You again. Another night?" he replied in the voice I'd grown to hate.

"yup" i handed him the 50 bucks.

"aren't the family getting sick of you?" he put air quotes around family. "or are you not really visiting them." he raised his eyebrows.

"We wont here much longer don't worry." I said walking away from him. It wasn't a lie, if all goes to plan we wont be Ive been looking at apartments and found one we could afford. I'm going to tell Hayley about it tonight., and take her to see it tomorrow since its Saturday and we are both off work. I got in the elevator and went up to our room. As i got in i heard the shower on, Hayley must be in. I sat on the bed for a minute before deciding to go in and surprise her. I opened the bathroom door and stepped into the steam filled room, i pulled my clothes off and grabbed hold of the shower curtain yanking it back and screaming so i could scare her.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH" i screamed

"AHHHHH OMG Jason what the fuck? you scared me!" she said trying to hide herself. I laughed.

"It was funny seeing your face." i climbed in with her. "Hayley move your hands its not like i haven't seen u naked before" i winked.

"Whatever get out I'm trying to shower."

"So am i, I'm helping the environment saving water."

"Fine you can stay but we are just showering."

"Party pooper"

"shut up or ill kick you out!"

"OK ill behave."

After the shower we got out and got dried then Hayley got into her pjs since it was later and i put a fresh pair of boxers on. We got into bed and turned on the TV, i decided now would be a good time to tell Hayley about the apartment.

"hey Hayley.?"

"yeah?" she said turning her attention away from the TV and onto me.

"remember i said we would stay here for a while then get a place."

"yup what about it?"

"i found a place that i think is OK and we could afford it."

"really already?"


"were is it?"

"its near my work and not to far from yours so its ideal. i haven't been to see it yet but i think it will be OK from the photos i saw of it."

"we should go see it"

"yeah i was just going to say to you to go tomorrow"

"sounds good"

"cool, lets get some sleep then so we can get up early to go."

"alright goodnight" she switched off the TV and turned around to go to sleep. i wrapped my arms around her waist cuddling into her.


The next day we got up and went to the apartment, i had called the number that was in the newspaper i saw it in and the women agreed to meet us there. I pulled up in front of it and we got out the car, i wasnt sure if i liked the look of the place around it but i was going to meet the women anyway.

"hello my names Megan"

"Hey I'm Jason, we spoke on the phone."

"of course come in" she seemed nice enough.

"so this is it?" it looked good actually and seemed to have everything we would need in it, which made me wonder how it was so cheep.

"yeah it comes furnished and is ready to be moved into straight away the last tenets move out months ago. any questions?"

"yes why is this place so cheep, it looks like its worth a lot more." Hayley elbowed me in the ribs, probably telling me to shut up.

"Jason shhhh, she might put the price up." Hayley whispered.

"Its because of where it is, this isn't the best neighbour hood." Megan told us.

"Maybe we should keep looking then."

"No Jason we might not get a place as affordable and nice as this" Hayley said "i think we should take it."

"But Hayley you heard her, she basically said this place isn't safe." we had went over to a corner of the room to talk quietly so Megan wouldn't hear.

"Jason its you, don't tell me you are scared of the people that might live here"

"I'm not scared for me I'm scared for you."

"When do i ever go out without you? i have you here to protect me. lets just get the place after a while if we get more money we can move to a better place."

"Fine" i went over to Megan and told her we would take the apartment, signed all the papers that needed signed then she gave me the keys and left. Me and Hayley went back to the hotel to check out after grabbing our stuff.

"Ahhh here to pay for tonight?" desk guy asked

"No here to check out actually."

"ohhh well then give me your key and sign this," he handed me a piece of paper. i signed it and gave it back then handed him the room key.

"don't miss me to much OK?" i told him

"Ohhh yes its so hard for me to know you are leaving. how will i cope?"

"i don't know, bye man." i walked away with Hayley

"he hates you" she laughed.

"the feeling mutual." we got in the car and drove to what was now our apartment.

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