Part 8

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Hayley's POV

I looked around confused trying to work out what was happening. i spotted my dad talking to some other guys and a women, so i ran up to him.

"Dad, whats going on?" i asked.

"There was a bomb set up at the door."


"It was set to go off is someone leaned on a wire near the bottom of the door." i he told me, he sounded furious.

"Who done it ?" i asked curiously.

"I'm not sure yet but Jason McCann was involved some how."

"Really? Your just trying to blame him for stuff now!" Jason couldn't have been involved.

"I'm telling you the truth Hayley, he called me as i got home telling me i shouldn't go home. listen i need to go down to the station to sort all this out, but you can go inside in and around the house has been searched."

"OK" i said distractedly, Jason called him telling him not to go home? Did he know? Is that why he called me telling me to go to his, and when i refused used every excuse he could think of? I sat in my room thinking of what to do before taking my phone out and calling Jason. No answer though.

Jason's POV.

I'd been called down to the police station again. I'm really getting sick of this place, i was sitting in a room alone until a door opened and in walk Nick Stokes. He put a can down in front of me and opened it, was this him trying to be friendly?

"hey" he said


"that's a pretty nasty bruise. How'd you get that?" whats it to him.

"I fell."

"hmmm. i want to thank you for calling me when you did or i wouldn't be here right now, that took a lot of guts, and I'm sure there are some of people who didn't appreciate. Probably the same people who put a grenade in my yard. you give me a name and i can help you."

"I cant they will kill me." i said acting as if i was scared.

"I know your between a rock and a hard place here but ill protect you."

"Like you protected my brother right?"

"your brother didn't give me a choice man."

"You think that makes it hurt any less?"

"Jason" i heard Hutchbees voice, i turned to the door to find him standing there. "lets go."

"hey you still have my number" nick told me as i stood to leave, as if I'm gonna call him again.

I just looked at him, then turned to walk away.

When i got outside i pulled my phone out my pocket i had a missed call from Hayley, so i called her back.

"Hi" her voice came through the phone almost as soon as i clicked call.

"Hi sorry my phone was off i just got your call."

"Its fine, listen, i need to know why you called me to yours today?" she asked in a you better not lie to me voice.

"I told you i had to tell you something but i forgot" i laughed nervously.

"The real reason Jason."

"That is the real reason."

"So you didn't call my dad telling him not to go home because there was a bomb there?"

"How did you know about that?" i asked.

"Why did you lie to me about it?" she sounded angry now.

"I didn't want to scare you."

"What the hell Jason what where you think putting a bomb at my door?"

"Look I'm on my way to yours now we will talk about it then."

"Yes we will" she said hanging up, shes pissed i can tell. I cant really blame her. It was a stupid idea. i walked the couple blocks over to her house and knocked on the door. A minute later she opened it and nodded me inside without a word.

"Explain!" she demanded one we got up to her room.

"It was only to scare him not hurt him, and i told him it was other people so he doesn't think I'm responsible."

"Are you?" she asked, how do i answer that?

"what do u mean."

"Did you put a bomb at my door Jason?!"

"well i never set it up..." i trailed off

"was it your idea?"

"well maybe, but i wasn't trying to hurt your dad it was only to give him a scare for what happened with Alex, an i called him so he wouldn't set it off and get blown up"

"I cant believe you would be so stupid?! what where you thinking?"

"I wasn't thinking"

"That's your problem you never think, that's why you are always in trouble."

"I'm sor..."

"Sorry wont cut it, what happened to staying out of trouble for a while, I'm trying to get my dad to accept you so we don't need to sneak around anymore I'm sick of it."

"We wont need to hide for long i have a plan."

"One of your plans we will most likely get arrested!" she laughed

"It will work." i told her

"what is it then?"

"We are going to leave Ive got money saved up and i know you do to, Johnson's gonna come to but we don't need t be with him for long just until we get away from here, that way your dad doesn't have a say in what you do and i wont be known as a criminal anymore."

"As much as i would love to leave, you don't think my dad would look for me? and lets face it you will get into trouble where ever you go."

"We will think of something for your dad and i will try my best to stay out of trouble i promise you." i told her taking her hand. She looked up at me and said .......

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