Part 33

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"Jason you are acting crazy." i shouted trying to unpack everything he was packing. he just ignored me and kept going. "Seriously Jason! Where do you even plan on going?"

"I don't know." he stopped packing and looking at me. "Just away from here." he said and grabbed more clothes stuffing them into cases.

"No Jason look you are being paranoid. Its late your sleep deprived lets just go to bed and we can talk about it in the morning" I told him again.

"Hayley do you not understand whats happening?"

"No i really don't. you where fine a few hours ago and now all of a sudden you're freaking out."

"Because i worked it out." he said like it was the obvious answer.

"Jason it doesn't make any sense. if what you think is happening is right then my dad wouldn't have called it would have been to easy for us to catch on."

"That's it he didn't think we would catch on. Pass me some stuff that's to go in here." he said going back to packing.

"I don't want to leave Jason."

"You don't have a choice Hayley." he told me still walking around picking up random crap and packing it away.

"Jason will you just stop for a minute!" i screamed frustrated. Surprisingly he did, stopping to look at me.

"what is it Hayley?"

"You. Your running about packing without any clue on where you are going or anything."

"We will go to a hotel for tonight then i can look tomorrow."

"No Jason you will put those damn clothes back in the wardrobe and get back to bed. We can talk about this in the morning when you have calmed down."

"Oh yeah and in the morning we have the police knocking down the door."

"Jason they aren't going to come for you ok? just calm the fuck down."

"Ill calm down after we leave!"

"So we have to just drop everything and leave? Leave jobs this place everything? Again?"

"Don't pull that shit Hayley you choose to come here in the first place i didn't force you!"

"I'm not trying to throw that in your face Jason but we cant just up and leave every time you think something bads going to happen."

"No i knew the first time and i know now."

"Jason please just stop, go to bed. i promise that if you feel the same in the morning we can talk about all of this." i told him, he started to protest but i cut him off "there is nothing we can do now anyway, no hotels will be checking people in at this time anyway. Please Jason we can get up early and sort this but nows not the time." I almost begged.

"Fine" he replied moving the basically full case to the side of the room.

"Thank you." i sighed as he made his way back to the bed. i climbed in next to him and he turned facing his back to me. "night then" i sighed switching the light off. he mumbled a response i couldn't work out and we laid there for hours attempting to fall asleep.



sorry for the really short chapter, didn't have much time tonight to update so it was just a kind of filler chapter. There will be a much better and longer one on Sunday or Monday

and thank you for the comments Ive got the last chapter they where really appreciated lol xx

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