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I looked over at the clock for about the fifth time in the past hour, Ive been laying here wide awake for god knows how long worrying about the call Hayley got from her dad. At first it seemed like nothing, like he was just innocently checking up on his daughter. But after we went to bed i started to think about it more, who he is and who i am, or was, whatever one it it. I looked over at Hayley struggling to see her in the dark room and reached out to touch her arm.

"Hayley? Are you awake?" I whispered shaking her.

"Hmm yeah i am now, whats up?" she replied sleepily. 

"What else did your dad say on the phone?" i ask

"I told you the important stuff the rests not important she mumbled." sounding like she was falling asleep.

"No seriously what did he say?" i say reaching over her switching on the lamp that sat on the table beside her bed.

"Oh my god Jason. It's like 2am." Hayley groaned pushing her face into a pillow, trying to block out the light.

"What does he know?"

 "Our number you know that"

"What else Hayley? I need to know."

"Why?" She groaned. "can this not wait until morning?" I felt bad for keeping her awake but i'd been laying awake for hours worrying.

"Did he mention anything else about us?" i ask

"He knew the jobs we had, well the old ones because he thought you didn't have one. But that's it seriously Jason now can we please sleep." she reached over and switched the light off, just for me to lean over and turn it back on. "Jasooooon" she moaned. "Why is this so important."

"What if he got our address?" i ask

"It doesn't matter even if he did. I'm 18 its not like it was before I'm an adult he cant make me leave." Hayley told me hoping to end the conversation. It wouldn't but, i knew her dad couldn't make her leave but he could come for me. I don't think any of the police in Las Vegas took a bombing to the LVPD well and from whats went down before i wouldn't be surprised if i was a suspect and the only other person who could have taken the blame was dead.

"Hayley what if they know i had something to do with the PD bombing?" i said cluing her into what i was worried about.

"they cant. you where careful right?" she asked sitting up suddenly seeming wide awake.

"I think so but they could have found something me or Johnson forgot. Or what if they know it was me who killed Johnson?"

"if they did I'm sure they would have found you sooner. Jase every things going to be okay." Hayley told me trying to keep me and herself calm though i could see the panic in her eyes.

"It would have taken while to find me. what if that's them just done it and that's how your dad managed to call you? he got the number from his work and assumed you would be with me." i said putting all the pieces together for her.

"I don't know. maybe but why would my dad call then? would he not know it would tip you off?"

"he clearly doesn't think I'm very smart." i said getting up.

"Jason what are you doing?"

"We cant stay here Hayley we need to leave." i told her, pulling clothes out the wardrobe and throwing them on the bed next to Hayley.

"What? No Jason i think you need to calm down." She said getting out of bed and picking up the clothes i had thrown around the room.

"Hayley they could come here and arrest me. I'm not going to jail." i said continuing to empty the wardrobe. she got up coming over to me grabbing my arms and trying to make me face her.

"Jason! Look at me." she yelled

"Calm down. You are acting hysterical, you are just worried and over tired. I think you need to go to bed and sleep we can talk about this in the morning yeah?" she  said calmly trying to soothe me.

"No Hayley we need to go now." i snapped walking round her

"Jason no I'm not doing this in the middle of the night you don't even know for sure they have the address or that they even knew it was you. For all you know they are out looking for Johnson."

"They will know he is dead by know. We left his body at the side of the road they probably know that was me too." I said

"Jason i really think you are over reacting." She said following me out to the hall cupboard where i went to find the cases. "Please just stop for a minute and think about this." she said almost begging.

"I have thought about this Hayley." i said taking the cases back into the room. "and we are leaving. Now."

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