Part 29

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"Jason!" i yelled as i tripped over one of his shoes.

"Yeah?" he asked not moving from his spot on the couch.

"would you stop leaving your stuff everywhere."

"Yeah OK." he said although I'm sure he wasn't listening, the place has been a mess ever since he lost his job with him being home most of the time and not cleaning anything up after himself. I picked up his shoes and moved them to beside the door, and walked over to where Jason was sitting. "what you watching?" i asked trying to find a space on the couch Jason had sprawled across, he looked up seeing me wanting to sit and lifted his feet to give me space putting his feet into my lap and soon as i sat down.

"Hockey" he told me. I tried to get myself comfortable but couldn't so ended up crawling up to lie beside him, well half beside him half on top of him with my head on his chest.

"There's a opening at an accountants office as a receptionist the pays really good i was going to go for it." I told Jason out of the blue. I'd seen an advertisement for the job a few days ago and was at first going to suggest  for Jason to apply for it but after i thought about it decided not to,it wasn't the type of job he would do and somewhere like that would definitely do background checks.

"OK. Did you see any for me while you where looking for yourself." he asked hopefully, i think hes starting to get bored not doing anything.

"Not really it was all office jobs and i don't think any of them are a good idea for you."

"Why" he asked sounding almost offended.

"They all involve having to do things for deadlines and dealing with people alot, lets face it Jason you arent the best working with others or doing things on time."

"True i guess"he mumbled.

"Have you looked at any stores to work at."

"They don't pay good Hayley you know that you work in one."

"Yeah but if i get this new job you can do it, it pays the same as your old so we will be making the same as before." I'd thought it all out actually.

"Fine i'll check tomorrow." he sighed.

"Are you OK?"i asked


"Don't lie to me Jason"

"I just hate it OK"

"Hate what?"

"Having to relay on you for everything."

"Jason its just for a while you will get another job."

"It's been three weeks Hayley."

"Yeah well maybe if you went out and looked instead of sitting around here all day doing nothing," I regretted the words as soon as they left my mouth. "Jason i didn't mean that I'm sorry"

"Whatever." he said shoving me off him and getting up.

"Jason please." I followed him. he ignored me walking into the room, i continued after him. "Jason we can't keep doing this."

"Doing what?" he finally spoke

"Getting pissed at each other and just walking away we are going to end up hating each other."

"I don't hate you Haley don't be stupid."

"I said we will end up hating each other, just walking away and not solving problems will just make it worse. I hate being in arguments with you i hate not talking to you." I said tearing up.

"come here" he said opening my arms. I walked over to him going into his arms, he held me close to him and stroked my hair.

"Don't be upset, its all going to be OK" he told me walking backwards to the bed and sitting me in his lap. I pressed my face into his chest and hugged him tight.

"Promise?" i asked

"Yeah" he kissed the top of my head.

I pulled my face out of his chest and looked at him before leaning forward kissing him, he kissed back straight away, i turned myself so i was straddling him and pushed him back to lie on the bed. i started kissing down his neck and unbuttoning his shirt, he looked up at me and smirked before starting to pull off our clothes......

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