Part 24

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I pulled up outside of Hayley's house back in Las Vegas. I can already tell she wont be happy that in here but what else could i do, she wont talk to me or answer any texts. It was 12pm so here dad should be at work right now but i don't know if Hayley will be with him, maybe shes not because if her dad knows shes wanting to stay here he wont be worried about her leaving. I decided to take a chance and got out the car walking to the door, as i reached it i realised that she wont let me in if i go to the door, shes to stubborn. So i went to the tree beside her bedroom window and started to climb up, her room was empty but it looked like she had been in it recently. I grabbed the handle on the window and pulled it open. Unlocked as always, i climbed in the window before losing my footing and falling flat on my face on her floor.


"Hayley I'm leaving for work. You be OK in yourself?" My dad shouted from down the stairs. I told him last week that i was going to stay here instead of heading back to Canada, didn't tell him why though i just said that me and Jason had a argument and i wanted to stay here. He was over the moon of course and since then he all of a sudden trusted me to be in the house myself.
"Yeah ill be fine"
"Alright see you later."
"Bye" i heard the door slam and lay back down in bed for a while before deciding to go downstairs and make something to eat.

I opened the fridge and began looking to something decent to eat. Then there was a huge crash coming from upstairs, what the hell. I ran to the stairs and started heading up slowly in case somebody was there.
"Hello! Who's there?" No answer. I open my room door. "Jason what the hell are you doing here? How did you get in?"
"Window." i said and pointed at it.
"And what are you doing here?"
"To talk to you"
"Well you should just leave because i don't want to talk to you."
"No please Hayley let me explain!" he was begging
"Fine. Go!"
"It wasn't me honestly Mike had my phone, you can ask him if you want."
"Yeah cause your friends going to cover for you."
"He wont be covering because its true, trust me i had to walk in on him and some girl when i went to get my phone."
"Why'd he have it?"
"His was broke and he had to make a call." i just looked at him. "Hayley i swear I'm not lying!"
"Fine. I believe you."
"Really?" he smiled big.
"yeah now come here before i change my mind." I opened my arms and gave him a hug.

Jason McCann Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now