Part 23

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"What is it with you and criminals?" my dad asked coming back over to me after sorting everything out with Marc.

"I don't know what you mean?" i was totally confused, i wasn't talking to any, Marc was never really bad and anything he had gotten into trouble for where things Jason dragged him into.

"That kid you where talking has a record, you just making friends with any local hooligan now? Or is it because Jason's too far away you need one to replace him?"

"Piss off"

"Language!" he said on the verge of shouting.

"No wonder your moaning at me for nothing i was only talking to somebody i know."

"Who happens to be a criminal? How do you even know him?"

"None of your business"

"Just tell me."

"Jason's friend" i said quietly so maybe he wouldn't hear

"Why am i not surprised?" guess he did hear then.

"whatever" i put my earphones in and i guess he got the hint and walked away to do whatever.

After a few hours of sitting around trying to pass the time my dad finally came out and told me we were leaving.

"About time." i moaned.

"Just get in the car."

One very awkward car drive later we where home i got out the car and went straight upstairs and into my room.

"You want dinner?" my dad shouted behind me.

"I ate at the station"


I got into my room and flopped down on my bed, then checked the time 11pm god i was at that place longer than i thought, 11 here that means its 9 in Canada. I decide to call Jason to see if i could catch him before he leaves.

He answered on the third ring but didn't say anything, all i could here was moaning sounds. What the fuck.

"Jason........Jason........JASON!" After calling his name for a while i gave up and hung up, the call obviously interrupted... something.

i tossed my phone to the end of the bed and turned my TV on, after about 30 minutes my phone had been ringing non stop with Jason calling me but i didn't want to talk to him right now so i ignored every call.


"Man you ready to leave?" Paul asked walking in the door with mike and Ryan following behind him.

"Don't bother knocking then." i told him while tying my shoe laces.

"Whatever you ready then?" was he kidding he was right in front of me he can see I'm dressed.

"No bro I'm naked." i said sarcastically

"Shut up and move kid." Ryan told me i hate when they call me that, i mean i am younger but only by a year for mike and Paul and 2 years for Ryan nothing major.

"I'm coming." i shoved my wallet and phone into my pocket and we left for wherever they where taking me.

After a short drive we arrived at a club downtown.

An hour later i was standing with Paul and Ryan slightly drunk with mike no where in sight.

"Hey you seen mike?" i yelled to Paul over the loud music

"Nope, he went that way last time i saw him" he pointed over to the bathrooms.

"I'm gonna go find him he's got my phone." Paul gave me a thumbs up and went back to whatever he was doing. I headed over to see if he was still there.

"Mike man you in there?" i pushed the door and found him with some girl.

"Jason get out"

"I'm sorry can you just give me my phone?"

"Here" he tossed the phone out the door and i caught it before it hit the ground. the call history it said Hayley called 10 minutes ago and it was answered, mike must have talked to her. I decided to call her back, it just kept cutting off she must be hitting ignore. I kept trying for ages and then she answered.

"What?!" she snapped

"Woah babe whats up with you."

"Don't act it Jason, i know what you where just doing."

"Being scarred for life after walking in on mike OK sure" i laughed.

"Whatever I'm need to go."

"What have i done?"

"You know fine well"

"No i really don't, i haven't done anything."

"So your saying i was hearing things?."

"What did you hear?"

"You where with a girl. I could hear a girl moaning last time you answered your phone, but i wasn't meant to hear that was i?"

"NO oh my god Hayley that was mike."

"Stop lying it was your phone mike has his own."

"It broke seriously."

"Whatever Jason, look I'm staying here, I'm sure my dad would pay for college if i told him i was staying." i cant believe she was saying this.

"Hayley no! Listen I'm not lying."

"I need to go"

"Hayley I--" she hung up. Shit. I tried calling her again but her phone was off. Eventually i gave up and went back out to meet the guys.

"I'm gonna head OK?" i told them.

"Whats up with you? Its your birthday your meant to be having a good time. Want another drink?" Ryan asked.

"No, I'm going home."

"What happened."

"Just some shit with my girlfriend, ill see you tomorrow"

"Ahh chick problems? Alright bro see ya."


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