Part 31

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I stood completely still for a minute with the phone still at my ear.

"Hayley? Are you still there?" my dads voice came through the phone.

"H-How did you get this number?" i stuttered.

"It doesn't matter." he told me

"Yes it does what do you want?" i asked growing more confident, a door clicked closed and i looked up to see Jason standing watching me looking confused.

"I've been trying to get ahold of you for months. I just wanted to know that you where ok." he said, by this point Jason had crossed the room to sit on the couch next to where i stood.

"I'm fine. Why wouldn't i be?"

"You know why."

"No i don't i wouldn't have asked if i did."

"Hayley i didn't call to argue." he snapped.

"Well what did you call for dad?" as soon as the words left my mouth Jason was on his feet trying to take the phone from me, i moved out his way shaking my head to tell him no.

"I told you i just want to know how you are." he sighed.

"Well I'm fine anything else?"

"Hayley I'm your dad stop treating me like a stranger. i just want to know whats been going on in your life."

"You mean you couldn't find that the same place you found my number?"

"I could get so much."


"You have a job, McCann doesn't. You bring money in while your boyfriend causes trouble now?"

"Jason does has a job he started today actually and hes not my boyfriend."

"Finally got rid of him then?" he laughed

"No we're engaged actually." i told him and saw Jason smirk realising how much what i just said  would piss my dad off.

"You have got to be kidding me? Hayley Stokes what the hell are you thinking? you cant marry him!" he almost screamed down the phone.

"I can do whatever i like i'm an adult now unless you forgot."

"You clearly aren't old enough to know how bad this is" he snapped

"Listen i don't need you calling my house and giving me this shit! So don't even bother with what you are going to tell me and don't call here again." I said as i hung up.

"So daddy called?" Jason asked sarcastically.

"Funny." i said unplugging the phone so he couldn't call back.

"How did he know the number?"

"I have no idea." i sighed.

"I'll get the number changed. Might need to get a different name put down on it too so he doesn't get it again." Jason told me sitting down. i sat next to him and sighed loudly.

"Whats wrong?" he asked

"I can't be bothered with all that changing names shit." I told him honestly

"You wont be changing your name you will just be putting it down on the phone bill as a different one. I'll even put Hayley McCann if you want then its just your future name." he smiled.

"That wont work he knows we are engaged now." i laughed

"Yeah how'd he take that?"

"Not so well."

"Really i thought he'd be thrilled to have me as a son in law" he laughed

"oh yeah he can't wait." i said sarcastically.

"Well i'll sort it all out somehow."

"Ok" i said just agreeing with him, i really didn't want to start with changing names and all that shit we could just change the number, my dad would keep calling the old one trying to get me if he even bothers trying.

"are you annoyed." Jason asked worried.

"No" i lied, "just tired, lets go to bed and talk about it tomorrow ok?"

"ok come on" he said getting up and grabbing my hand.

authors note

really bad chapter sorry but having major writers block at the moment. Will try and put a really good one up soon :) x

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