Part 11

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We pulled up outside Jason's house after a few minutes of driving. As we got out the car i heard a voice call. "Hey McCann what took you so long?"
"You know where i was, and i took as long as i said i would" Jason told him.
"Whats with attitude?"
"Shut up Johnson." so that's Johnson, Ive heard a lot about him but Ive never seen him in person.
"So that's the girl?" Jason stayed quiet ignoring him whilst putting my bag into the van. "i still don't know why you insisted on bringing her." Johnson continued, i already didn't like this guy.
"I told you to shut up!" Jason yelled slamming the back door closed.
"Fine Fine i was only saying." Johnson raised his hands in defense. "ill be back in a minute I'm going to get something from the house." he left entering the house.
"I don't like him, does he need to come?"
"Yes he does and your not the only one but we are only staying with him until we get far out of town." he sighed.
"Just try to ignore him."
"Its a bit hard he seems to have something to say about everything."
"Just try."
"Fine." i looked at my phone checking the time, and if my dad had called realising i was gone. Nothing.
"You OK?" Jason asked walking over and wrapping his arms around me.
"Yeah, just worried i guess." i might as well be honest with him.
"about what?"
"Its going to be fine, i promise. Look you don't have to come if you don't want to, I'm not going to force you."
"I want to come" i said quickly.
"OK then." he leaned in and kissed me, i kissed back and we started making out waiting on Johnson coming back so we could leave.
"Tongue out your girls mouth McCann we need to go." i pulled back.
"Does he know your first name?" i whispered.
"Yeah but hes a dick" Jason replied.
"In the car" Johnson shouted.
"Lets go." Jason took my hand and we got in the front of the van. Johnson driving, Jason in the middle and me at the window. We drove off, to where I'm not sure and i didn't ask i would probably get told that i couldn't know. Just like everything else. I yawned, i didn't really get a sleep tonight.
"You tired?" Jason asked.
"Go to sleep we will be driving for a while anyway."
"OK" i layed my head on his shoulder.

I woke up sometime later and was laying on a bed. We must have stopped and Jason must have carried me in here, wherever her was. I realised what woke me was my phone and reached into my pocket to get it.
"Hello" i answered without checking the caller I.D.
"Hayley Stokes! Were the hell are you.?" crap it was my dad. i just stayed quiet. "I get a call saying that there was a bomb let off at the station today, then when i come to check on you and tell you i was going down there you aren't there." i still kept quiet i didn't know what to say to him. Wait did he say bomb? Did Jason do that? Was that the thing that he said i couldn't be told about? "Hayley i know you are there, talk to me please I'm worried."
"Dad, I'm fine."
"Where are you?!" he demanded.
"I-I-I'm not sure."
"What do you mean? Are you lost?"
"Who are you with?"
"I cant tell you that, but dad listen I'm OK a...." i got cut off.
"You cant tell me!! Are you with McCann?! Hayley i swear to god"
"Dad listen to me. I'm OK. I left town and i don't want you to look for me OK? But i promise that I'm fine."
"How can you say Ive not to look for you? why did you leave?" i could hear talking outside the door, Jason by the sound of it.
"Dad i need to go, ill call you some time soon." I hung up and turned my phone off not letting him reply. The door swung open as i put my phone away.
"Your up" Jason said walking in with a bag.
"Yeah, umm when did we get here." i asked deciding is i should ask him about the bomb.
"About an hour ago, you have been out cold since the car." he laughed
"Are you hungry?" he reached into the bag and pull out some food.
"Yeah actually i am" he handed me a sandwich. "thanks."
We sat eating in silence when i decided i was going to ask him if he set up the bomb at the lvpd.
"Hey Jason can i ask you something?"
"Sure babe, whats up?"
"Promise you wont get mad?"
"Yeah what is it?"
"Well my dad called me just before you got her an-"
"What? What did you say? Did you tell him were we are."
"No i didn't i couldn't even if i wanted to because i don't know. He was freaking out because i wasn't home and asking where i was and who i was with."
"What did you tell him?"
"That i had left, not to try find me and that i couldn't tell them where i was or who i was with."
"He also told me something that happened today at his work. He wasn't there but he said someone called him telling him a bomb was set off. Do you know anything about that?" Jason looked away from me.
"Ummm no what made you think that?" he was lieing i could tell by the way he was acting.
"Jason tell me the truth!"
"It wasn't me!"
"Jason!" there was a long pause
"Fine OK it was me"
"Why would you do that? Seriously what goes through you head at times? I thought you were done with all that! What happened to you staying out of trouble?"
"I was trying to make sure your dad left us alone" he said quietly.
"It was stupid i know thinking of it now. I'm sorry"
"I cant believe you tried to kill my dad! Of all the things you have done this tops them all!" i got off the bed and stood at the opposite side of the room to him.
"Hayley I'm sorry i-i-i wasn't thinking"
"You never fucking do Jason!"
"Please. Look your dads fine, he wasn't there"
"And what if he was?"
"I um i-i don't know" i just looked away from him. i spotted my bag and walked over to it getting fresh clothes out.
"I'm going to change." i told him walking into the bathroom, truth was i just didn't want to talk to him right now and was using it as an excuse to get away. I turned on the shower in the bathroom. I didn't even know where we were yet i was going to ask Jason before we started arguing, some motel outside town I'm guessing though. Why did he have to do that? I don't know if i should just forgive him and start fresh here, or demand he takes me home. After thinking about it for while i decided just to stay with him, no point coming all this way and leaving. I got out the shower, got dressed and headed out into the bedroom. Jason was laying down on the bed with his back facing me, i wasn't sure if he was asleep or not so i sat next to him and leaned over him to check. He seemed asleep but as soon as i leaned over his eyes shot open.
"Go back to sleep" i told him rubbing his shoulder, but he sat up.
"No I'm fine."
"You look tired babe go to sleep."
"Are you talking to me now?"
"Yeah. But Jason this is the last time I'm going to just over look something like this. I mean it."
"I wont do it again i promise I'm so sorry" he said bassically jumping on top of me hugging me.
"OK Jason get off" i laughed
"Now seriously Jase get some sleep."
"OK boss, you going to sleep?"
"No i slept most the day" i laughed.
"True, there is a TV there if you want to watch it" he handed me the remote "but i don't know what channels you will get."
"OK. Good night baby."
"Night." he laid his head down on my chest and fell asleep.

Jason McCann Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now