Part 6

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"I was ummm, i just went out for a walk, to clear my head" i lied

"you sure you weren't with Jason? and you were not meant to be out at all" my dad asked clearly not convinced by my lie.

"really dad i just went for a walk, i had to calm myself down after everything today, and i think Jason's pissed off at me asking him to leave anyway so..."

"he is! well its probably for the best you really ought to stay away from him."

"dad don't start you have said all this earlier and i already told you what i think of all that."

"I'm only looking out for you Hayley"

"I'm going upstairs i cant be bothered arguing with you right now dad!"

"fine good night"


I really don't get why he is so against Jason, i know he is a bit of a trouble maker, well a bit is an understatement but he has never done anything to hurt me. I'm just going to have to try and keep them away from each other as much as possible and if Jason can manage keeping himself out of trouble for a while my dad might lighten up abit with him. That's if he is capable of staying out of trouble, which to be honest I'm not sure if he is.

two weeks later

Ive been at the mall shopping with my friend all day and was now heading home to do the homework my math teacher had assigned for the weekend. I was a couple minutes away from my house when my phone rang so i pulled over to answer it. it was Jason.

"hey come to mine?" he said quickly

"i cant babe sorry Ive got like a ton of homework"

"you don't need to stay for long, i just need to uhmm tell you something."

"your talking to me now can you not just tell me on the phone?"

"no i really need to tell you in person please" he begged.

"fine OK I'm on my way"

"great see you in a few." i hung up and started the car back up heading to Jason's.

i got there and knocked on the door he was at straight away and took me up to his room.

"so what did you need to tell me that was so important?" i asked

"ohh i forgot" he laughed

"really Jason that's not funny"

"Well your here now lets have some fun" he winked grabbing me.

"umm no i really need to go home"

"fine call me later then."

"okay i love you" i told him kissing him.

"love you to" he replied.

i left his house and got in my car driving back to mine, when i got there i was confused though because the place was covered in forensic teams and what looked like the bomb squad. Whats happening

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