Chapter 21 - The drama

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Chapter 20 - Max had been sitting by Tom's side when suddenly he felt the boy stirring in bed. "Tom, you awake, man?" Max asked. Seeing Tom's eyes open, Max hurried to get a doctor to look over Tom. While Jay and Siva stayed with Nathan, Kelsey had ran back to see Tom. The doctor assured them that the worst was over and Tom could now look forward to a healthy recovery. "It's so good to see you awake" Max said, giving Tom a light hug. Tom smiled before he noticed the absence of the two others and especially of Nathan.

"Hey, where's Nathan? I've said some pretty bad stuffs to him. I want to see him" Tom said. Kelsey sighed as she shared a look with Max. "Tom, something happened while you were unconscious here..." Max trailed.


Max had never been so relieved in his life than he was now to see Tom wake up. But when he heard Tom asking for Nathan, had Max worrying again. For a moment, Max thought of telling Tom the truth but when he thought of Tom having just woken up, Max couldn't bring himself to tell Tom the truth. He was well aware of the fact that he shouldn't hide anything from Tom especially after how badly Tom had reacted the last time they hid something from the boy about his little brother. He really should just tell Tom the truth but somehow, Max just couldn't bring himself to say the truth.

"What happened to Nathan?" Tom asked. "We... Uh... I..." Max trailed off. "What?" Tom asked but he was stopped by a harsh cough that had both Max and Kelsey running to Tom's side. "Are you okay?" Max asked. "What happened to my kid?" Tom asked. "Nothing" Max said. Shocked, Kelsey turned to Max. Max sent her a pleading look as he continued talking, "I was saying that I left Nathan at home with Jay and Siva." "Oh" Tom sighed but just then the door burst open and Jay and Siva ran in hugging Tom. "Nice to see you too buddies. But where did you leave Nathan? Is he alone at home or what?" Tom asked. "Alone?" Jay asked. "He is with Alexis, right?" Max asked, winking at Jay and Siva. "Yeah, he is with Alexis." Jay said. "That's good. Alexis will take care of him." Tom said. Siva glared at Max as he pulled him outside. "What the hell are you doing? Why didn't you tell him the truth?" Siva asked. Max didn't say anything, keeping his head bowed as Siva shook his head and went back to Nathan.

They managed to keep Nathan's condition a secret from Tom. Nathan hadn't yet woken up. The blood loss was still having a bad effect on the kid's health. Standing by the door of Nathan's room, Max watched the little boy who was still unconscious. "Tom deserves to know what happened" Kelsey said as she came to stand next to Max. "Please, he has just woken up" Max said. "Max..." Kelsey trailed off. "Listen, my concern is Tom and not Nathan. Please Kelsey. Just please..." Max said. Kelsey sighed but couldn't say anything as Max walked away.

Max thought he'll give it some time before he'll personally tell Tom that Nathan is also is in the hospital but unfortunately, Max luck wasn't going to favor him on this. The nurse who was attending to Nathan and Tom both was Chase and he was the one who had handled Nathan's case before and not knowing that nobody had told anything to Tom about Nathan and when he came to see Tom, he let it slip that Nathan had self harmed again and had gotten the worst brunt of it this time.

When Max came back to Tom's room, he found the man being calmed down by Chase and Kelsey. "What happened?" Max asked. "Get out" Tom shouted. "What?" Max asked. "Max, I think you should just step out for a while" Kelsey said. "No, what happened" Max insisted. "Why the hell didn't you tell me that Nathan is in the hospital for self harming or did he try to kill himself? Oh God, Chase, did he try to kill himself?" Tom asked. "No, he'll be okay. We don't know that for now but I'm sure he wasn't trying to kill himself" Chase tried to reassure Tom. "Why didn't you all tell me when I woke up? Why did you lie to me Max?" Tom shouted, "Or is it your fault that Nathan is in there? What the hell did you do to my brother, Max?" "He deserved it. He's the reason why you're in hospital." Max shouted back.

Tom was sure that he hadn't been so furious ever in his life. "Get out" He shouted at Max. "I will but Tom, you're my big brother, mate. You matter to me more than Nathan. Nathan might matter more to you than me, than all of us. But I can't bear to lose you because of whomsoever. Be it your own little brother." Max said as he turned away to go out, ignoring the tears that were streaming down his face. Kelsey watched Max go and sighed sadly as she turned back to Tom. "Take me to my brother" Tom insisted.

Kelsey and Chase managed to get Tom in a wheelchair and brought him to see Nathan. The boy was still unconscious as Tom sat by Nathan. "God, Nath, what did we do to you?" Tom said as he held Nathan's hand.

Standing by Tom's side, Kelsey placed a hand on Tom's shoulder. Outside the door, she could see Max standing by and also trying to hide from them too. Kelsey sighed. Now, maybe only Nathan waking up could bring the boys back together again and clear all these drama.


Dedicated to Nazzayah, RoxaneLebolesch, Panwar1205, brokenheartswrite, nathaholic_tw, Bonnie12345678, bossempire2468, Mel_Amelia and DanceIsGreat!

Thank you to those reading.

P.S - Do you think Tom was right to blame Max? And your thoughts on Max's little confession?

Please Read/ Vote/ Comment!

xx Hailey

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