Chapter 31 - Glimmer of hope

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Chapter 30: "What happened?" Max asked. "Nathan's missing" Tom gasped out. "He ran away?" Jay asked. Tom nodded as he sat down on the couch, head in his hands. "We'll find him, Tom. Don't worry" Siva said, squeezing Tom's shoulder. What they didn't know was that their little one had already been found by someone who would keep him safe for sure but till when? Tom thought the boy was lost whereas Scooter found the boy but until when can he keep him safe.


Scooter knew he should inform Tom that Nathan was at his place but first of all, he needed to explain to the boy that he was no burden for the boys. Scooter himself used to think that Nathan would be a burden over the boys but he had soon grew fond of the boy after that incident with his step brother. Scooter knew that Tom must be dead worried but some more days of patience perhaps would do all of them some good.

Tom, on the other hand, had gone mad from worry. He made several calls to find out where his little brother was. He had made the trip to his grandparents and had a huge argument with his grandfather for having caused the little boy to run away. He looked everywhere where he could think of but he couldn't think of but he didn't find the boy. Along with him, the boys also had made their own efforts to find Nathan but unfortunately no one had any news as to where the boy could be.

Meanwhile Scooter had tried his best to reason with Nathan. And things were slowly getting on track and Scooter had managed to convince Nathan. "But you don't understand. If I stay with Tom then he'll always get stuck in problems. I bring nothing but trouble. He would be happy with Kelsey only if I don't be around him." Nathan tried to reason with Scooter. "You know ever since you went missing, Tom's been a mess. He had been searching for you like mad. Is it nice to trouble him like that?" Scooter said. He was playing on Nathan's guilt feeling but if that's what it takes to reunite the brothers, then he was all for it.

Scooter didn't really expect his plan to work but when Nathan lifted his teary eyes towards Scooter, the man had a little hope that this might work after all. "I'm not asking you to stay with Tom but at least reassure him that you're here and you're fine." Scooter said. Nathan thought for a while before Scooter saw a little nod from the boy. "Oh thank God, baby. I promise I won't make you leave but at least meet Tom, huh?" Scooter said as he pulled Nathan in a hug.

That night when Tom got a call from Scooter, he didn't really know what to expect. "Scoot, if this is about the band, I'm not sure I can talk about it right now" Tom sighed. "Tom, I need you to meet me tomorrow at my house, alright? You and the boys. Bring Kelsey and Nareesha too." Scooter said. "Scoot, please, I'm too worried right now. I can't, man" Tom said. "It's important. It's regarding someone important to you" Scooter said. "Is it Nath, Scooter? You know where he is? You saw him?" Tom asked. "Tom, relax. Tomorrow morning at my place, okay?" Scooter said before hanging up.

Whether it was Scooter's reassuring voice or the little voice in his head that said maybe it was regarding Nathan, but Tom couldn't help but cling onto a glimmer of hope.


Dedicated to NazzayahRoxaneLeboleschashxlouPanwar1205thegirlsawriterEmilyrocks724rapid34LarryLashtonNomNIall_Cupcake_22aranowMel_AmeliaEmileeHamilton42 and brooklyn_outworks_it!

Thank you to those reading.

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P.S – Let me know what you think would happen next.

xx Hailey

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