Chapter 41 - You got it all wrong

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Chapter 40: This kept going on for quite some time and finally Tom decided to just accept it. Maybe Nathan had found a mother in Kelsey. Maybe a mother's bond was bigger than that of brother's.


Nathan thought that his brother was really busy these days and it made sense to not bother the man for every little thing. So Nathan turned to Kelsey whenever he needed something. And Nathan has to admit that Kelsey was good. She was slowly filling that place of a mother that Nathan always felt wasn't there in his life. But amidst all this, his relationship with his big brother was taking quite a blow.

Nathan knew that somehow his brother was growing a bit distant from him. He had discussed it with Kelsey too and they came to the conclusion that maybe Tom was too busy lately to have time for them. But they had a solution for this. For the upcoming holiday, they'd re-strengthen their bond. Unfortunately for them, they weren't really aware of Tom's real feelings but they thought that the upcoming holiday would do all of them some good.

Meanwhile, Tom's frustrations were building up. He was fed up of being left out. Throughout the week, Nathan would be at school and when he returns, he and Kelsey would go out for shopping, come back and stay in their room for hours. Whenever Tom would ask them, they'd say they were working on a school project. And if Tom offered to help them then Kelsey would be quick to tell Tom that she's got this. A dejected Tom could only leave them be.

Sat on the couch, Tom couldn't help but truly feel alone. He looked up when he heard Nathan's puppy bark and offered a smile to the dog. "Nath doesn't have time for you too, huh, Oreo?" The man asked petting the puppy before chuckling, "Who names their puppy Oreo? Nath and his weirdness..." The puppy wagged his tail at the mention of his owner and ran off to Nathan's room, leaving Tom alone again.

Even the boys noticed how Tom was lately all by himself and Kelsey and Nathan being so secretive wasn't helping the case either. So they decided to help Tom out. For the coming holidays, the boys made a plan. While it sounded quite evil, Tom found himself agreeing to it. He'd do anything to just pull Nathan away from Kelsey and spend some time with his brother. He just really missed his baby brother.

Early morning, Max was the one to put their plan in action. "Guys, I think you should give this plan another thought" Siva suggested. "Oh come on! Don't you all want to see Tom happy again?" Max snapped. Siva sighed, nodding. As soon as Kelsey came down with Nathan, Max walked up to her. "Kels, you have to go home right now. Your brother is really sick. It's bad. You should go" Max lied. "We booked your tickets already. You should leave right now" Jay said. "Shit, I have to see him" Kelsey said, tears rolling down her cheeks as she hurried to grab a few clothes to leave. Tom felt a bit guilty but when Nathan hugged him, worried for Kelsey, Tom thought maybe it was worth it.

But their plan didn't work. Kelsey called home while she packed to know how her brother was doing and was surprised to learn that the boy was okay. When she realized that the boys lied to her, she walked down in a rage, shouting for Max. "How dare you? I called home. And guess what? My brother is fine. Why did you lie to me?" Kelsey shouted in Max's face. "He did it for me, alright! He did it because they're tired of watching you snatch my brother from myself." Tom shouted back. "What? I'm snatching him from you? That's what you believe? Then I'm sorry for having loved a man like you" Kelsey snapped.

All this only led to Tom losing his cool too and turning to Nathan, grabbing his arm as he shouted, "this is all because of you." The box that Nathan was holding fell from his hand as the shocked tears rolled down his cheeks. "I can't believe you'd blame the kid" Kelsey chided as she led Nathan up, holding him close to her. "Yeah, leave just leave with your son." Tom yelled. Kelsey shook her head as she and Nathan walked out of the house.

As soon as they left, Tom sank on the couch. Max squeezed his shoulder as Siva tried to quieten the barking puppy. "Shut up Oreo" Jay whispered. Siva tried to lead the dog out but the puppy kept barking at the box that had fallen from Nathan's hands as if telling them to open it. Siva gasped when he looked inside the box. "Tom, you got it all wrong" Siva sighed.

Tom looked up at Siva as he grabbed the box. Inside it was a picture book with title 'Happy Thanksgiving to the best big brother ever.' Yup, Tom got it all wrong!


Dedicated to NazzayahRoxaneLeboleschAubandlivPanwar1205rebecca16432NIall_Cupcake_22passwordsbothermeinvisiblestylinsonrapid34xobutterflyGirlxoMel_Amelia and CeciliaDryan!

Thank you to those reading.

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xx Hailey

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