Chapter 12 - Like the old times

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Chapter 11 - “It’s alright, Tom! We’ll talk to Nathan and try make him understand that he has to use the diaper for a while” Siva said. “I know why Nathan is behaving like that. He wore diapers till he was six years old. He used to have too many accidents. And then kids would laugh at him at school” Tom said. “Then we will assure him that no one is laughing at him here! We will help you, Tom. We will help, Nath” Max assured Tom. “After all Tom, we are a family, right?” Jay said as they all tugged Tom in a group hug.

“I hope so boys! I hope Nathan gets well soon. And gets over this diaper issue” Tom mumbled in the hug.


*Nathan’s hospital room*

Sitting by his brother’s side, Tom carded a hand through Nathan’s hair. His brother looked so peaceful, eyes closed, thumb in mouth, diaper showing slightly, chest raising and falling. Yup, his brother was alive. Tom had come so close to lose his baby brother that it really scared him. He wouldn’t leave his brother’s side for anything. Not even when his brother was sleeping. He had to be next to him, to touch him, to feel his breathing and to reassure him that his brother was right here and wasn’t going anywhere.

“Tom, you need to get out of here for some time. Just go take some air and come back.” Siva suggested. “No, I need to be here.” Tom protested. “Come on, Tom! We’re right here. We’ll keep watch until you come back. You don’t have to go home. Just go outside, sit for some time or take a walk and come back.” Max said. “But what if Nathan wakes up and needs me or need a diaper change? Or if he gets agitated again?” Tom questioned. “Then I’ll come and get you” Jay promised. Tom hesitated for a while but then he nodded since he had been sitting there for too long. “Alright, watch out for him” Tom said and after receiving three nods, he walked out.

*Outside the hospital*

Tom walked outside, taking in the fresh air before he spotted a bench outside and walk to it. Sitting down, he rubbed a hand over his face. Closing his eyes, he remembered how just some time back when Nathan woke up to see that he was clad in a diaper. He remembered the broken look on his brother’s face. He remembered how desperately Nathan tried to get the diaper off him. This wasn’t new to either brother. It was the same story some 7 years ago when 5 year old Nathan used to be a serious bed wetter and wear diapers.


14 year old Tom was walking out of his school hurrying down the lane quickly. He was running late to pick his 5 year old little brother, Nathan. As usual, their parents were busy and Tom had to be the one to go pick Nathan up. Not that he minded! Tom would rather go pick the kid up instead of letting him walk alone back to home. No, that wasn’t safe! And Tom doesn’t want to take any risk with the kid so here he was rushing to go pick the kid up.


Walking in the school premises, he looked around and found Nathan leaning to a tree. “Nath” Tom waved at his brother but frowned when the kid wiped at his face hurriedly. “What happened? Were you crying?” Tom asked as he approached his brother. Nathan wanted to shake his head and say that nothing was wrong but he couldn’t stop the tears that ran down his face as he launched himself in Tom’s arms. “Nath, what’s wrong? Did you get hurt? Someone hit you? Scold you?” Tom asked as he started searching for injuries on Nathan. “They laughed at me” Nathan sobbed. “Who? And Why?” Tom asked. “They say I’m a baby. I wear diapey” Nathan cried. “Who said that?” Tom asked and looked over at where Nathan was pointing to a group of kids about the same age as Nathan but more built than Nathan’s tiny figure.

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