Chapter 35 - You're my family

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Chapter 34: It was nearing the night when Tom finally asked, "are you coming back home?" This time Nathan didn't hesitate before nodding. "You have no problem with Kelsey" Max asked. "No. In fact, I'm sorry Kels. But I didn't go away because of you. I just didn't want to be a burden on you and Tom." Nathan explained. "You'll never be a burden on us." Kelsey assured the boy as she and Tom cuddled the boy. "My puppy is coming home too?" Nathan asked. The boys had a good chuckle at that as Tom nodded, "Puppy is coming too."

Finally, they were going to get back together. They were going to be a family again.


Tom was the first one to get discharged while Nathan had to stay at the hospital for two more nights. Since he had smoke affecting his lungs, Nathan couldn't be discharged at the same time as Tom. While Tom wasn't taking any chances with Nathan and was all for the boy staying a few more time in the hospital despite the little boy being upset but it also was a perfect situation for Tom to make one big step to assure that no more problems come to their life again now.

The next morning when he woke up, Nathan was quite upset to find that his brother who had promised that he'd stay the night with him, was nowhere in sights. "Tom?" Nathan asked Max when he saw the man in the chair that Tom had been occupying last night. "He'll be here to get you home as soon as the doctor comes to check you over and clear you to go home" Max informed the boy. Nathan frowned but then Jay was chuckling as he bent down to whisper to the boy. "I have a secret to tell you." Jay whispered. Nathan looked up at him with wide eyes. "Tom has a surprise for you at home" Jay said. "What's it?" Nathan innocently asked. "Well, if we tell you the secret, it won't be a secret anymore buddy." Siva said and chuckled when Nathan pouted at him.

True to what Max said, Tom was there when the doctor came to discharge him. Nathan hadn't been anymore happier before than to learn that he could go home now. Throughout the journey back home, Nathan was looking out of the window. He took in the scenery, he took in the fresh air, and he kept his eyes wide open despite the drowsiness from the meds. He was coming home again. "You sure you don't want to close your eyes for a bit?" Tom asked Nathan as Kelsey was driving them back home while the three others followed in with Kevin in another car. "Nope. Have to be awake for the surprise" Nathan said. Smiling, Tom could only sigh happily.

As soon as they got home, Nathan found a box with his name. "What's this?" Nathan asked. "You have to open it to find out" Max chuckled. "My surprise?" Nathan asked again. "Kind of" Tom smiled. Nathan carefully opened the lid and gasped when he saw the surprise. "My puppy" Nathan squealed as he hugged the dog. "Aww" Kelsey cooed at the boy who was hugging his dog. "Thank you for letting him come home too" Nathan said as he snuggled in Tom's side. "You're welcome but that's only part of the surprise. I have one more surprise for you." Tom said. "Another surprise?" Nathan asked. Tom nodded as he told the boy to wait for a while.

Five minutes later, he was down with a paper. "Nath, I want to marry Kelsey someday. Not sure when but soon I hope. I want to have a family with her but before that, I want you to know that you're my family. You'll always be part of the family. But I don't want a situation like this to happen again so I want it to be official. I want to adopt you." Tom said as he wrapped an arm around the boy, sitting on the couch. For a minute, Tom held his breath as he searched Nathan's face for an answer but then Nathan surprised them by throwing himself in Tom's arms. "Family" the boy mumbled, "I want to be part of the family." "You're always part of the family, baby. You're my family." Tom affirmed, holding tight on the little boy.

Come whatever may, Tom was prepared to face it all, now that he had his little brother by his side. After all, no matter what, Nathan was his family.


Dedicated to NazzayahRoxaneLeboleschrebecca16432NIall_Cupcake_22Panwar1205Emilyrocks724maricladijeni and Mel_Amelia!

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xx Hailey

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