Chapter 27 - His firm decision

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Chapter 26: Tom looked back to the voice and couldn't help but open his arms to let Nathan run in scrambling to bury himself even further in his big brother's arms. "You came" Nathan repeated again. "Yeah buddy. I came looking for you." Tom said, holding his brother close in his arms and just breathing in the fact that he had finally found the boy.

For the time being, he was content to have finally found the boy that he came looking for. For the time now, he forgot about everything else. He had finally found his little brother.


Tom was content with the fact that he had finally found his brother. With the boy firmly wrapped in his arms, Tom was happy to just feel the boy in his arms. But the next words that came from Nathan's mouth had Tom frowning. "Why did you come?" Nathan had asked. Tom pulled Nathan at arm's length and just stared at the boy for a while before saying, "why wouldn't I come?" Nathan shrugged but didn't allow Tom to ask any more questions as he snuggled up his big brother again.

Much to the dismay of his grandfather and with the help of his grandmother, Tom managed to get some time alone with his little brother as he took the boy on a walk. "You remember we used to go on swings there" Tom chuckled as he pointed over to the back yard. "Yeah" Nathan mumbled from where he was tucked under Tom's arm. "So what has grandpa made you do since you came here" Tom asked. "Nothing much. Just cleaned our room upstairs then he told me what chores to do every day" Nathan explained. "Good thing I'm here, right. You don't have to do any chores since we're going back tomorrow." Tom chuckled. He did notice that Nathan hadn't said a word about that but before he could ask anything, their grandma called them for dinner.

Dinner was a silent thing as no one was much comfortable around each other. Neither Nathan nor Tom had been a fan of their grandfather. And while their grandmother tried to make small talks, she couldn't break the uneasiness around. After dinner, their grandmother had sheepishly informed Tom that since the guest room was taken up by Nathan, they didn't have any more rooms but Tom was happy enough to share a room with Nathan though the same couldn't be said for Nathan as he looked to be avoiding his big brother.

That night Nathan was quick to fake sleep as he tried to create much distance between him and his brother on the bed. Tom, being one who knew his brother very well, had realized what was going on but said nothing as he simply closed his eyes and settled to sleep. Minutes later as Nathan fell asleep, he had turned towards Tom and was half snuggling his brother and half lying on top of the man. Tom tried to keep his chuckle at bay as he wrapped an arm around Nathan and carded a hand through Nathan's hair, letting sleep claim him.

Early morning as Tom woke up, he heard the lawn being mown. Hurrying downstairs, he found Nathan at his first task of the day. "He's growing up. He needs to learn how to do such chores" his grandfather simply said. "Only you can do that to a kid who has just been out of hospital" Tom huffed. "You need to stop coddling him you know. He's old enough to start taking care of himself. How long would keep carrying him around and protecting him?" His grandfather shouted. Tom was about to answer the man back when his grandmother came in between as soon as she saw Nathan at the door. "Come on, Nathan. We're packing. We're off from here now." Tom said.

Tom turned to make way upstairs but stopped when he realized that Nathan wasn't following him. "Nath" Tom asked. "I'm not going with you." Nathan mumbled. "What?" Tom asked again. "I'm old enough to take care of myself Tom and I want to stay here. I don't want to come with you" Nathan said. "Is this a joke?" Tom asked, shocked that his brother was refusing to come with him. "I'm not coming with you, Tom. I'm gonna stay here." Nathan firmly replied.

Stood at the bottom of the stairs, Tom felt his world crash again. He just couldn't understand why his little brother didn't want to come with him. They hated their grandparent's house when they were younger so he couldn't understand why Nathan would want to stay here. But he did understand one thing that Nathan really wasn't going to come with him right now and that was the kid's firm decision.


Dedicated to NazzayahRoxaneLeboleschPanwar1205aranowNIall_Cupcake_22Emilyrocks724thegirlsawriter,bestst0ries and Mel_Amelia!

Thank you to those reading.

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xx Hailey

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