Chapter 37 - The heartbreaking scenes

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Chapter 36: That's when Tom made up his mind. Walking back to the kitchen, he sighed heavily as he said, "Boys, I've thought about for some time now. I'm leaving The Wanted" Tom said. He braced himself for the reactions, heart reproaching him as he heard the shocked gasps and saw the confused faces around him but he had made up his mind now. Maybe life wasn't done with keeping challenges in front him. After all in life you've got to make some hard decisions. Life is hard.


When Tom joined The Wanted, he literally believed that his career was set. His life was set. The Wanted provided a stage for him to showcase his talent. Through The Wanted, Tom met some good friends like Max, Siva and Jay. At that time, Tom had recently moved away from his baby brother and the boys had easily become Tom's little brothers. But now Tom had come to such a stage in his life that for his baby brother he was going to have to sacrifice his little brothers.

It was with a heavy heart that Tom came to the decision that right now in his life the best decision was to take a step back and breathe in the normalcy of his little family who was finally together. Right now he finally had his girlfriend as his fiancé and his little brother was back in his life. He finally was able to say he has a family of his own. And Tom wanted to cherish this normalcy for some more time but now that The Wanted was going back to work, back to interviews and tours, Tom was going to move away from Nathan and his family again. With a sinking feeling, Tom made up his mind and let the boys know that he would leave The Wanted.

The first feeling of the boys when they heard Tom say that he is leaving The Wanted was of confusion. They were all confused about why would their bandmate opt out of the band now. But now that they thought of it, all they could feel was a heartbreak feeling. Tom had retreated back to his room after announcing his decision to the boys. Unable to understand Tom's sudden decision, Kelsey had followed the man. A confused Nathan debated following them and stayed back looking at the boys as he tried to process what happened.

"Tom, cannot do this to us." Jay sighed. "He can. He has every right do this. He has a family to think of first. He's been through so much. He deserves to be with his family." Max realized. "Aren't we his family too?" Jay said, voice cracking as a tear ran down his cheeks. "If Tom isn't part of The Wanted then I think we need to break up. The Wanted isn't a band without Tom" Siva said. "This isn't fair" Jay exclaimed. "But Tom deserves a fair life, guys." Max said, pulling Jay and Siva in a hug. All three boys holding onto each other but yet feeling incomplete without Tom.

"They're upset. And crying" Nathan mumbled to Tom as he ran to his room. But just when he said that, he realized his brother was in a similar state. Sat on his bed, Tom was having a hard time stopping his own tears. "Tom?" Nathan whispered and let himself be pulled in a hug. "I should focus on my family first" Tom said as held onto Nathan. "The boys are your family too, Tom" Kelsey said. If Tom's tears grew even more, he tried his best to hold it in.

Kelsey could very well hear the sniffles downstairs from the boys as well as see the heartbreaking scene in front of her. She had to do something. She couldn't let her family break like that. And maybe she had the solution to this problem.


Dedicated to NazzayahRoxaneLeboleschPanwar1205rapid34DilHowlter04NIall_Cupcake_22All_Time_Veilnexttohim_b and Mel_Amelia!

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xx Hailey

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