Chapter 29 - Paying the consequences

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Chapter 28: Back at his grandfather's place, Nathan couldn't help but think maybe letting go of his brother was a bad idea. Early morning when he came downstairs, he let his grandmother pull him in a hug and buried his face in his grandmother's shoulder when suddenly his grandfather shouted, "Enough of coddling there. You got chores to do today." Nathan sighed but he had bring this on himself by deciding to part ways with his brother.

Parting ways with his brother will bring its consequences.


Tom couldn't just forget about his brother and move on with life. The guy is his brother, for God's sake. But Tom slowly did started getting back to his routine life. After all, he was part of a boyband. He couldn't just neglect the band. So slowly, he got himself so busy in their schedules that he barely had time to think about himself, let alone dwell on the thoughts of his little brother. He carried on with life, letting that empty space in his life constantly remind him of the absence of his baby brother.

Kelsey could see how Tom was working to keep himself busy. Unfortunately, she couldn't do much to help him. Sure, they were now engaged. But their life was not the same as before. The boys also knew how much hurt and upset Tom was and they constantly made plans to cheer Tom up. The plans usually involved alcohol and parties and it usually ended up in Tom drinking himself to oblivion. Nothing they could do, would bring back that happy and cheery self of their usual Tom. The man was now replaced by a shadow of himself.

The only time, they would see Tom smiling was when the man would give Nathan a call. And that was twice every week. Only twice in a week would they be able to see that true and unforced smile creeping on Tom's face. The man would speak to his brother and try to know if his brother was really okay, if he was happy there. Tom would occasionally bring up the topic about the boy returning back home. Then it would end up in Tom making Nathan promise that he would call him whenever he wants Tom to come fetch him from there. That phone call was usually the main highlight of both Tom and Nathan's day.

Just like Tom, Nathan also wasn't doing any better. He started paying the consequences of parting with his brother soon itself. He learnt very soon why exactly he and his brother hated staying over their grandfather's place. The amount of chores the man made him do, in order to toughen him up was nearly convincing Nathan that this was just child abuse. But he never said anything about it. He stayed quiet whenever he was pulled over his grandfather's lap because he hadn't completed the chores. He stayed quiet when simple mistakes of his earned him the paddle. He stayed quiet when those chores even made his mild asthma return back. He stayed quiet because he had brought this on himself.

But it all crossed the line when Nathan woke up with his asthma really bothering him that day. He hadn't meant to be slacking at the chores of the day but tidying up the dusty store room didn't sound good to his asthma. But he still went on with the chores, ending up having an asthma and clumsily breaking his grandparents' wall clock while dusting. What Nathan hadn't expected was for his very drunk grandfather to pull him right in the kitchen over his lap and give him the spanking of his life with the belt. Sure, he'd tasted the belt before but there was a limit. Right now, his grandfather was drunk, punishing him wrongly and ending up bruising the kid. It was that night that Nathan decided enough was enough.

That night, Nathan packed his back. He sneaked out from his window, wincing when he landed awkwardly on his ankle and limped his way away from that hell of a place. He wasn't sure where to go but he knew one thing, it was a wrong decision to have turned down his brother's offer. He was now paying the consequences.


Dedicated to NazzayahRoxaneLeboleschashxlouPanwar1205NIall_Cupcake_22thegirlsawriterBonnie12345678Emilyrocks724Mel_Amelia and xxkittyclawsxx

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xx Hailey

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