Chapter 3 - The talk and the little plan

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Nathan stayed in his room the whole time avoiding Tom and his friends. But soon it would be dinner time and he’ll have to go down! But he hated food. His schoolmates always told him that he was fat. And since then he would either skip meals or throw it up. But here he was a little hesitant! There were too many people in this house!  He’ll also have to see Tom whom he was a little scared of for the time being. “Nath, come down!” he heard Tom’s yell.

He hesitantly walked down the stairs. He flinched when Tom put a hand to the back of his head but allowed Tom to lead him to the kitchen. Once seated, he watched as everyone happily dug into their food. “Eat Nath” Tom prompted the boy. Nathan took a bite and decided he liked the food. Halfway through the meal though, it reminded him that food would make him grow fat and he abruptly stopped. “What happened?” Tom asked. “I’m full!” Nathan whispered. “Sure?” Tom asked. Nathan nodded getting up and walking to the sink. “I’ll do it!” Kelsey offered picking up the plate. “Thank you” Nathan mumbled and walked back to his room.

“Talk to him!” Kelsey said. “Yeah, dude!” Max added. “Alright, I’ll go!” Tom said getting up. He walked to Nathan’s room. “Hey!” Tom said as he watched Nathan trying to hide his teddy away. “Is that Whiskers?” Tom asked. Nathan gave him a shy nod. “You remember we won that in that amusement park?” Tom asked sitting on the bed. Another short nod from Nathan! “What went wrong between us kid?” Tom asked. “You” Nathan replied. “Me? How is that?” Tom asked. “Why do you act as if you care when you don’t?” Nathan shouted. “I do care!” Tom answered calmly. “No! You left me! You left me with mum and dad! You’re like them!” Nathan shouted running to the bathroom and locking it. “Nath? Nathan?” Tom tried but got a ‘go away’ in return. “Listen! You’re my baby brother and I do care about you! Just let me know what can I do to prove it?” Tom asked. No reply. “You know where I am if you want to talk!” Tom said leaving the room.

“We heard the shout!” Jay said. “I don’t know what to do anymore!” Tom said running a hand through his hair. “Maybe he’ll come around soon!” Siva said. Kelsey wrapped her arms around Tom kissing Tom on his cheek. “I don’t want him to hate me or be afraid of me! I just want it to be like before!” Tom whispered, getting up and moving to his room. “I can’t see him like this” Kelsey said. “Maybe we should do something!” Max said. “Like what?” Jay asked. “Max, tell! I can’t handle suspense!” Nareesha said. Max chuckled whispering his little plan.

Well, it wasn’t some kind of master plan that Max was sure about but he hoped it work. But the first thing to do was not letting Tom get any hint of what they were doing. He certainly will not agree. In fact even Siva wasn’t for it but Nareesha pulled him in. As soon as Tom and Nathan came down that morning, Max said they should take Nathan out for shopping! Tom had raised an eyebrow at that. “Well, the girls want to do shopping so why don’t we show YOUR Baby Nath around?” Max said. Nathan was going to refuse but staying alone didn’t seem like a good idea. He trudged along.

Nathan fairly enjoyed himself. He decided Max was cool, Jay was funny, Siva was nice, Nareesha was very kind and Kelsey was sweet. He didn’t judge Tom though!  He was mesmerized by the tall buildings and fun things around. All of a sudden, he turned back and couldn’t see the boys. “Tom?” Nathan whispered looking around while the boys each hid in a store watching the boy. Max had taken Tom into a store and tried to keep him occupied. Ten minutes had gone by! Nathan already was in tears whispering Tom. Passer-by threw him a look but none bothered about the 12 years old.

Another 5 minutes and Nathan lost hopes of seeing Tom! After 5 minutes, Tom asked Max, “Where are the rest and Nathan?” “Maybe out!” Max said. Max let Tom move out and looking around he found a little boy curled up in himself. “Nath” Tom whispered. He moved towards Nathan as soon as Nathan saw Tom, he launched himself in Tom’s arms. “I-I lost you! I’m sorry!” Nathan sobbed. Tom scooped him up. “It’s alright! It’s okay! Shush down! I got you baby! I’m here now!” Tom soothed Nathan as he rubbed his back. The others came out of the stores where they were to find Nathan asleep in Tom’s arms. “We should head back!” Siva said. Tom nodded.

When they got back home, Tom put Nathan to bed. “How did we lose him?” Tom asked the boys. “I dunno, I thought he was behind us” Max said. They just sat around talking for a while when they heard a scream. Tom was the first to run to Nathan’s room, he knew it was his brother. “I didn’t see you! I thought…” Nathan panted. “I’m right here!” Tom soothed hugging Nathan. As soon as Nathan calmed himself, he looked at Tom sheepishly. “Come on! Let’s grab some lunch!” Tom offered and Nathan was happy for the change of topic.

Max’s little plan had worked quite a lot. Nathan had somewhat realized that Tom wasn’t that bad but he still wasn’t letting go of the fact that Tom left him. But Tom knew what to do! He was going to make sure he gets his little brother back. That was until the phone call came!

“Hello, Tom?” Lena, Tom’s mom greeted. “Mum” Tom said. “We’re back early son! We’ll come fetch Nathan tomorrow. We don’t want him to be a burden on you!” Lena said. “Nath’s not a burden and no way are you gonna take him back! You heard me?” Tom shouted. “He’s my son Tom! Tomorrow we’re coming to take him!” Lena said hanging up.

“Tom, thank you for coming back to fetch me at the mall! I thought you left me like Mom and Dad, you know?” Nathan said. Tom looked at him. Was it the last time, he’ll see his brother?


Silly chapter I know! Help me out with the next one! Would Nathan leave? He started bonding with Tom somehow but yet he still doesn’t forget that Tom had left him!

Dedicated to all those who read/ vote and comment - @Nazzayah, @unfinished4now99, @weirdvic, @smilingsteph, @Mel_Amelia, @sarasaritta

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xx Hailey

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