Flippidy Floppidy

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Chapter 1

Flippidy Floppidy


My name is Liling Chen. I choose not to use my first name because it does not suit me. This is the story of when I was chosen.

"Hey Icy!" Someone called, throwing a paper airplane at my back. "Hey Icy! Don't you hear me?" The person came up, throwing me into the nearby tree. My expression remained lax. I knew it was her. She was a good foot taller than I am, her name is...hm, I don't even remember her name. But she's had it out for me ever since I got here. "See, I know you heard me. Here it is." The girl thrust a paper in my face. I blinked twice before it came into focus, it said: Temple Patrol Hours. After that was a list of names, under the evening slot was her name, I remember it now, it was Krista Trebow.

"You're going to take my place."

"Why, I look nothing like you." I certainly hope not. There was a huge mole, about the size of my fingertip right on the tip of her nose, it stared at me like a third eye.

"They'll understand if you tell them that I was sick and you're here to take my place."

"But you're not sick, Krista."

"So? You're not going to tell them." Her breath was hot, like a dragon's. I took a deep breath.

"I refuse."

"What?" Krista's face turned red, she wasn't used from getting turned down. She had a powerful family in the city, why should she feel self conscious? "You're going to do it."

"Qu ni de." I cursed at her. "I will not. It is your slot, and it's your job to be there when it's your time. Besides," I pointed to the paper, my name was under the 5:00 slot. "I'm busy."

"Too bad. You're going to do it."

"No I will not." I grabbed her hand that was pinning me to the tree. I pushed my thumb into her palm, twisting her hand upside down. Her entire body wrenched against my hold. I stepped forward, still holding onto her palm, I twisted her wrist behind her back, and she screamed.

She cursed loudly. "YOU BROKE MY ARM!!!"

"I didn't." I smiled. "I sprained your wrist. You'll be fine in a few days. You forget, I have plenty of lessons that you don't get. I wonder why?" I smirked. "Zaijian, Krista."

It was time for dinner in the hall. I left my parents, I kissed my father on to head, he smiled at me,

"Nǐ zhīdào nǐ de xiāojìn?" Do you know your curfew?

"Dāngrán, bàba. Wǒ yǒngyuǎn yě bù huì wàngjì." Of course, father. I'll never forget. My father could only speak Chinese. That's okay, I knew fluently English and Chinese, and I challenged him to language contests.

"I'm going now." He just smiled, he wasn't meeting my English today, he must be tired. I closed the door behind me, I owe a lot to him. When I was younger, I had the rebellious stage that all teenagers get, and he held me down to earth. Even when I shouted that I hated him, he just absorbed my anger, and he eventually got me to love him again. I never should have hated him.

My mother grew ill with a terminal illness. Since I'm older, I understand what my father went through as he watched her wither and die. I remember when he would stay up late praying for her life, and occasionally for her misery just to end. She passed a year ago. I knew my mother well, it wasn't like she died when I was a baby, I loved her with all my heart. I knew that she had to go, and I was able to let go of her, at least I had some warning to that she wouldn't be with us much longer.

It affected my father more than I. He was silent from time to time, not engaging in conversation like he used to. My family had been living here for a hundred years, 4 generations. Of those 4 generations, we've had every last one of us enroll into the army, excluding my mother. She refused. She wanted to stay home to watch over me.

"Stupid." I said aloud. It was stupid, she should have entered the army. If you enter the army, Lord Chaos grants you immortality, until the Time of Great Passing, or should you be fatally wounded in battle. If she had enrolled, she would have lived. Illness can't kill a warrior. She was just- "Stupid. Idiotic. Stubborn. Insolent. Ignorant." I stated aloud. Everyone standing around stared at me.

"Are you okay?" A guy asked me.

"Yes. Of course, I am. Go away." He blinked. He didn't understand my cold shoulder. I don't like to be bothered when I'm thinking.

I sat down alone like normal. Our elder, the camp leader, Christopher Igetis took to the podium. Like always, I sat in silence, waiting for him to lead the worship. "Before we pray, I have a few announcements. Today we were sent a frantic transmission." This wasn't normal. I paid close attention. "The sender told us that Gaea has awoken."

Whispers broke out loudly, people turning to their neighbors, discussing and gossiping. How rude they are.

"Though the return of Gaea should be regarded with great joy and celebration," Igetis continued. "this is not the case. Gaea has returned with a great vengeance. The only way to preserve her as she deserves to be seen is to return her to her eternal slumber. Her rage will rip the Earth apart. Even if it means destroying herself. We must send warriors to correspond to the senders. Today, we consulted the board." Igetis paused. Our board of warriors were highly prestigious, though often fickle about their decisions, they often make strange choices, but they were still held with high regard as some of the most skilled warriors of the age. "And the following were chosen for this mission."

"Jaxon Wiegner," Of course. His name clicks immediately into my head. He's the valedictorian of my grade, and has been the leading student for years. As to be expected as the son of the Commander, and golden boy of the Scouts. He was bred to be chosen. "Blake Grey." Hm, I don't know him. "And Liling Chen."

Liling Chen. It's when they say my last name that it finally kicks in. They chose me. They decided to send me. I was chosen. My heart stops awkwardly, changing it's rhythm to flippidy floppidy, flippidy floppidy flop.

"They will be sent to meet the request of the sender in one month. One thing that the Chosen need to keep in mind is that this is totally new territory, and that they need to keep open minded. One last thing," The elder stopped, his expression completely calm, my heart still flopping around in my chest. "The sender responsible for this transmission is none other than, Percy Jackson."

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