Chapter 19 Explosion

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Chapter 19


Piper McLean

“Gwen? Gwen are you here? HELLO?” I pawed through the darkness praying to the gods that I didn’t do something stupid like trip over a stick. Gwen had been out in the woods for HOURS and I was starting to get worried. Seriously, I should have brought a flashlight! But nooooo I was too idiotic to remember bringing one. “GWEN!!!” Something growled off to my right. My hand grasped my knife, Katoptris from my belt. I don’t exactly like fighting in pitch blackness but I guess I’ll have to make do thanks to my lack of light.  

“Go away Piper…” Gwen whimpered in pain somewhere. I couldn’t see her let alone find her. Ugh, the problems with not having a stupid flashlight! 

“Gwen?! Gwen are you okay?!” There was no answer but I could hear muffled screaming...Why was Gwen screaming? I hurried faster through the pitch blackness. Thankfully Gwen switched on a light that flickered, a lantern of some sort. I ran toward the light and found Gwen in a fetal position screaming into her fist. Her eyes were bloodshot and her lips were blue. Her face was scary pale. She looked like a drowning victim, “Oh gods! I’ll go and get Chiron!” I reached down and took Gwen’s lantern, that way I wouldn’t have to run through the dark and break my ankle tripping over a stray log. I turned away from Gwen even though I was terrified that something might happen to her while I was gone. I ran as fast as I could to the Big House running past the cabins that were a blur. The ground beneath my feet seemed to be helping me move faster. Though that idea really freaked me out. Gaea. Soon I was on the lawn in front of the Big House, I thundered up the blue painted steps and threw open the door. The floorboards complained as I ran down the hall to Chiron’s office. This time I didn’t bother knocking, I threw open the door to his office. Chiron nearly jumped half a mile, 

“Miss McLean-”

“Something is wrong with Gwen!”


“Bring the Apollo kids and hurry!” I sounded shriller than I wanted to but that didn’t really matter in the moment. I didn’t wait for him, I ran out the door and banged on the door of the Apollo cabin to wake them up. Chiron could give them the message later.  I sprinted to the woods, their dark silhouette kind of eery in the darkness. It was weird because I wasn’t out of breath...that freaky earth goddess bipolar freako! I ran over sticks that seemed to sink into the earth as I passed. Freaky! I swung the lantern around looking for Gwen’s huddled figure. I found her in the same position I found her in. She was trembling and her eyes were rolled to the back of her head and her breathing was labored. I heard the thunder of Chiron’s hooves approaching along with the sound of campers running. 

“Gwen...if you can hear me...stay with me! They’re coming! They’re coming as fast as they can! You just need to hold on!” There was no sign of response in anyway. Hopefully she was going to be okay. At least...I kept telling myself that. Chiron ran up behind me and kneeled besides me next to Gwen. “Can you please not tell the rest of the 7? Gwen didn’t want them to know.” He just looked at me with a startled look. The Apollo kids filed in taking Gwen away. One of them shouted, 

“We can’t do anything here! Not in these conditions! We’ll need to bring her to the hospital wing!” Others shouted statistics about her pulse. Chiron took control and an Apollo kid helped him get Gwen on his back. They ran away into the darkness with the remaining Apollo kids in his wake. It was terrifying not knowing if I would ever see Gwen again. 

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