Chapter 05 Jason Grows a Pig Head

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Chapter 05

Jason Grows a Pig Head


Dearest Emma, come to me. Raise me from this torture. Save me!  The voice still echoed in my head when I woke, “Dreams suck!” I yelled in protest. But due to my yelling I also woke everyone else in the cabin. With a lot of groaning a muttering someone moaned,

“Third time this night!” I could sense Annabeth stirring beneath me,

“Another bad dream?” She groaned with everyone else, “Was it your mom again?” There was a hint of venom in her words but I ignored that part, most people were not morning people,

“Isn’t it always?” I sighed, “I never want to fall asleep again!” As if my mom was listening, the rest of the night the moon in the window shone too brightly for me to sleep. “Annabeth, you awake?”

“Isn’t everyone?” Her statement was answered by groaning in unison, “Your mom must be doing you a favor…”

“Gotta be.” I pulled a pencil from my bag of Camp Half-Blood stuff and began to draw. I love to draw, even as a child drawing had been an easy outlet that I relied on for an escape from the horrors of the real world, or in other words: my father. During the time that I spent drawing my dad spent crying hysterically in his bedroom. In that instant I hated my mother. Why did she have to ruin this poor man’s life? He would have been fine on his own! He could have had a normal life without monsters or Greeks gods and goddesses. I could picture him with a family of 4, content and happy. No mysterious forces in the picture. As far as I knew Selene was as snotty as Aphrodite, and I was almost so embarrassed that I wanted to crawl into a hole and die when I found out that the voice was actually the almighty Selene, goddess of the moon.

I had always thought that my mother would be kind and caring and that we would go and get manicures and pedicures together on Saturdays. But no, my mother had to send her freaky messages in my dreams. I pulled out a pencil and was innocently scribbling when I realized what I was drawing. I had drawn my father and a woman. This woman was beautiful, she was only a picture but you could actually see the warm kindness flowing through her. This was supposed to be my mother…

“ Emma, you really need to get some sleep.” Annabeth murmured from underneath me, “You’ll have a long day tomorrow, I can feel it.”

“Don’t you mean today?”

“Is it really that late?” It didn’t feel like it, but you could already see the morning pink that began to flush the horizon. This was officially my 2nd day of camp. I couldn’t say I was actually looking forward to it. My first day hadn’t gone well and she couldn’t bear to think about what the future may hold.

I always find it easier to think through the easier problems first and then progress to the harder problems.Oh great, the voice is back, just wonderful. I thought. But I did as the voice told me to do.

I’m Emma Tracy. I’m 11 years old. I’m a daughter of Selene. The greek gods and goddesses exist. I’m here at Camp Half-Blood, a camp for children of the gods. I’ve made some friends here. I heard a strange prophecy. I think that it’s about me. I’m confused and scared. Emma thought, So this will be the rest of my life. Thinking through all of my stupid problems like a traumatized person.  Emma sighed out loud.

“I know it’s hard.” But this time it wasn’t Annabeth talking to me.


“Shhh!! You’ll wake them!” Piper  whispered. I couldn’t see how they could possibly fall asleep with the moon shining through the window, but then I saw that the moon beam was directly focused on me.

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