Chapter 39 The Hot Mom

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Chapter 39

The Hot Mom



Okay. They are totally facing off right now aren’t they? Reyna and Piper were staring at each other, fighting with knives and spears with their eyes. Over what I’m not sure. It’s not like I still have a thing for Reyna. I’m not even sure if I ever had a thing for her. Jeez, so many thingies! Sam was watching them, his eyes looking from Piper and Reyna, waiting for who would speak first.

“So...uh, what made you decide to come along?” I said, making a weak attempt to break the ice. Reyna never took her eyes off of Piper, staring daggers.

“Romans are feeling dishonored, since the Greeks are getting all of the quests. Also, I am incredibly bored and I wanted to keep an eye on you, since you’re a part of the Seven. I want to know what plans you have to proceed.” Reyna never took her eyes off Piper. But her expression had changed, from defensive to submissive. She was pleading with her eyes.

“Pipes, chill.” She shook her head, shrugging it off. I was seriously worried about her. She had been far less happy recently, angry even.

“I’m fine. I am chilled.” Piper crossed her arms in front of her chest.

“Shh. Do you hear that?” Reyna said cocking her head to the side slightly. Her dogs reacted, sniffing the air and scowling and growling more than usual.

I listened. First all I could hear was the chatter from inside the train car and the sound of the train but then I heard it too. It was a small scratching sound and a screech like metal being torn apart. I looked out the window. 3 beings clung to the side of the train. Tusks protruded from their mouths and one worn dark sunglasses, all of them had wings tucked and claws. They were ripping apart the train.

“Oh gods.” I muttered.

“Gorgons.” Reyna added.

“And Medusa is back.” Piper murmured. “Do you have any idea how many people are on this train right now? They could all die.”

“We can’t let them die. We also can’t be liable for destroying the train. We have to stop the train.” Reyna thought out loud.

“Sorry to mention it. This is not the Polar Express, there is no emergency brake inside the car. How on earth are you planning to stop the train?” Reyna stood up, straightened her armor walked over the window and opened it wide.

“Like this.” Reyna jumped through the window.


The Mist can not make a Roman teenager flying out of a speeding train attacking 3 gorgons while airborne, appear normal, very well. We soon found that out when the couple sitting in the booth next to us screamed.

Piper jumped to her feet and watched the scene below. Reyna had somersaulted when she made contact with the ground and was now fighting the gorgons, who had in the confusion lost their grip on the train.

“Okay, that makes up my mind.” Piper stuck one foot out the window.

“Wait, what are you doing?!” I asked. All the girls around me were going crazy and jumping out of bus windows!

“Oh please, I can do anything she can do.” Piper threw herself out the window and copied Reyna’s landing. That left the 2 sane guys, me and Sam. Sam looked like he was gonna chuck.

“Please tell me I don’t have to jump out a window and hope not to die.” Sam said turning green.

“Oh trust me, we are not jumping.” I opened the window as far as it would go and grabbed Sam’s hand. “Dude trust me. You will not die.” Sam swallowed.

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