Chapter 40 Bring Out The Big Guns

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Chapter 40

Bring Out The Big Guns



I stood open mouthed, staring, at the inside of their house. It was ridiculously large, with huge ceilings and endless hallways. It was like stepping into a Hobbit Hole, except for the fact that it was not underground.

Piper, Reyna, Sam, and Grover, mimicked my response. It had taken a while longer than expected to wake Sam up, that dude was a sound sleeper. But now he was wide awake, in awe of his own home.

“Ma, when did you get this?” Sam murmured.

“Just a few weeks ago. Do you like it?” Sam just nodded. Not really listening. “Anyway, the house isn’t what’s important. Is you mission urgent or do you think it would be better if you waited until morning to listen to what I have to way. Because, right now, you all are totally out of it.” Mrs. Levi raised an eyebrow at our expressions. “Did Sam even tell you who we are?”

“Not until recently, we didn’t know what to expect.” Piper said honestly. “But this is kind of urgent so the sooner we know things the better.” Mrs. Levi motioned for us to follow her. I took a step forward and nearly tripped over a bright orange cat that had splayed out in front of me. The cat hissed and scurried away. I don’t know if I really like cats.

We were lead into a huge room down one of the hallways. It turned out to be a huge library, books everywhere, every color, every length and size, if you were Annabeth, this must be like heaven. To me, it only looked like a bunch of brain pain.

Mrs. Levi climbed up on one of the ladders arranged around the library, she reached the middle of the ladder and pulled out a super huge book. It had to be the Godzilla of literature. It was brown and had gold designs on the covers but no visible title. This book was like some that you would hear about with magical spells in it, in some popular fantasy book like Harry Potter. Hopefully, she won’t start hocuspocusing us all into rabbits or something. Stop it Jason, or you’ll turn into a creature just like the rest of the children of the Big Three.

“This is the book that the gods writer for Sam. We have a long history with the gods. I’m assuming that you know this already hon?” She turned and looked at Sam who still looked amazed. He obviously had no idea what she was talking about. And frankly, we’ve all been in his situation at some point too. “They send us messages about how you’re doing, what your grades are, who your girlfriends are, thanks to Aphrodite of course. By the way, I liked the last one, why did you have to be such an antisocial boy to her. Jeez, you send away all the good ones. Good thing you still got your mama.” Sam turned bright pink and looked down.

“Angela was a jerk and you know it. She was just pretty, and there was nothing else good about her.” Sam growled. “How do you know about the gods? You act like this was nothing new! I just learned about it a few weeks ago. And you talk about it like you’ve know it your whole life! You left me in the dark?” Sam looked back up, now furious. “I thought I could trust my own family!”

This seemed to be the part where you would typically turn and slam the door behind you, but he had no escape, he still had no clue where he was and how big her fortress really is. Leaving would probably mean getting ridiculously lost and having to find a way back only to have that awkward moment where you have to say sorry. I sympathize with the dude.

“Dear, I wanted to tell you but we had to keep it a secret to protect you blah, blah blah, blah blah. You can read this later if you want. The gods d have a lot to say. I hate it when Zeus writes something, he’s always ranting, almost as bad as Ares. He told me about you and that one boy...what was his name? The kid you had the fight with when you were 7? Yeah that one, he kept telling me how horrible you are at fighting and you would probably die before you reached 13. But hey, look, you seem pretty dang alive to me!” Mrs. Levi rambled. She started to tear up,

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