Chapter 06 Annabeth Goes To The Crazy Ward

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Chapter 06

Annabeth Goes to the Crazy Ward


“No!!!!” I screamed. I ran to Percy as he was jerking around on the floor in horrible spasms. I should never have left his side. Emma stood besides me with a look of absolute horror.

“What did I-?” Jason sputtered. Piper appeared out of thin air and was crying with me while continuing to yell at Jason. Jason just stood dumbfounded in the middle of the room.

Chiron even lost his cool in the heat of the panic. He managed to order all of the demigods to leave and that their breakfast would be delayed slightly. I couldn’t stop the tears. We  were meant to be together. We  had gone through so much together! Now Percy would die by a stupid mistake made by Jason.

I realized that the world seem to be moving in slow motion. Piper was moving so slowly and all of the sounds of the world disappeared except for one voice,

You know I dislike this boy very much.

“Did you do this?”

No. But you know you have to be strong when he dies. You are needed to finish Gaea.

“But I love him! I hate you!”

Do not hate child for strong emotions cloud your true vision.

“But we were meant to be together! I knew since I was 12!”

You know that this pitiful relationship couldn’t go on forever.

“Mother I love him!”

“Honestly I don’t care.

“Please! Bless him! Give him life!”

I can’t., You know I can’t.”


He is meant to die on the ancient stones, so honestly this death is far better.

“Please! I’ll do anything! Just save him!


“Yes. If it means you’ll save him.”

Then grant me a favor in the future.

“What do you want?”

You will know when the time is right.” Then the presence of Athena vanished along with Percy’s terrible spasms. He stopped breathing. My heart stopped with his. This couldn’t be the end. It couldn’t! I sobbed and screamed and frantically performed CPR. Chiron tried to lift Percy off the ground but I  let loose a horrible wail that stopped Chiron in his tracks. He put Percy back and one lone tear trailed down his face. He quickly wiped it away but I was sure I had saw it. I screamed and cried and wailed and became so hysterical that I began to laugh. Then I finally hyperventilated and passed out.

I woke bound to my bed. Literally, I  was strapped to my bed with big metal handcuffs wrapped around my arms and legs, “PERCY!!!” I screamed when I realized that Percy was in Elysium, “PERCY!!!!” Tears streamed down my face and I screamed but I couldn’t knock myself out so that I wouldn’t remember Percy. “PERCY!!!! PERCY!!!! COME BACK!!!! I was in an empty part of the infirmary, this was the crazy person ward. I wasn’t supposed to be here. “PERCY!!!” I looked to my left and to my right for something that I could kill myself with. I couldn’t live without Percy.

To my left there was a small table that had a cup of some purple liquid. I pulled against the handcuffs. I mustered enough strength that I hear small cracking noises coming from my right handcuff. I looked back to look at how much damage I had caused to the brace.

I was startled by sea green eyes, dark windswept hair, and that annoying crooked grin.

“Hey. I thought that my drooling would wake you up sooner but apparently not.” He waited for me to retort but I was shell shocked,

“It’s all okay Annabeth…” I pulled against the handcuffs in response, “Do you want me to open those for you?” I didn’t answer but Percy set to work, he pulled out a loop of keys and unlocked each one. After he removed each one he made a small whimpering sound and I found out why. Where the handcuffs had been were huge bloody gashes that must have been created when I thrashed around when I was unconscious and it didn’t help that I pulled on them so hard when I was awake.

“I told them not to and it was unnecessary but they didn’t listen to me. I’m so sorry.” He gestured to the handcuffs and my wrists and ankles.Finally all of my limbs were free. I jumped onto Percy and grabbed his wrist and threw him across the room,

“OW! I can taste my spine!” Percy moaned but I didn’t care I jumped on top of him and kissed him. I hugged him tight and I never wanted to let go,

“Never do that again!” I whispered into his ear.

“It’s okay. We’re together.” I cried into his shirt. I couldn’t stop. But Percy kissed me ever so often until I finally kissed him back.

“Um….” I made a small sound that was a cross between a yelp and a growl. We never really got any time alone. Emma stood in the doorway with a glass of water, her face was tinged with red. I reluctantly untwisted myself from Percy and wiped the tears from my eyes,

“Yes?” My voice was hoarse and unintelligible,

“Hi. Are any better?”


“Ok. Well...Chiron wants to see you…”

“Tell him I’ll be right there.”

“He wants Percy too. In fact he is calling together an emergency camp meeting.” Emma put the glass of water on the table and took the purple cup away muttering something about Stoll brothers picking the infirmary as their new lab.

“What did I miss?”

“I honestly don’t know. I woke up only a few hours before you and I didn’t leave the infirmary.” He blushed. I wanted so badly to kiss him again but instead I pulled him to his feet and we began our short walk to the Big House.

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