Chapter 07 Leo Comes In Like A Wrecking Ball

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Chapter 07

Leo Comes In Like A Wrecking Ball


Ouch! Her nails were digging into my palm. I was sure that she didn’t mean it but she was actually drawing blood. Since she woke up she had this crazy look in her eyes. Kind of like a wild animal. Grover was standing on the porch of the Big House with Juniper. Juniper was giggling like a 8th grader (which probably was her age),

“Hey Perce! You still alive?” Grover brayed. “Thought you’d show up here! But we are all supposed to head to the auditorium.”

“The auditorium?” They usually never used the auditorium, Chiron used the Big House for meeting and he usually called only the cabin counselors. But to call the whole camp-

“Rachel spoke another prophecy.”

“I know.”

“You do?”

“Yeah. When we brought Emma to the Big House Rachel was there and she spoke some funky prophecy. Same thing, loaded with promises of death. But she freaked Emma out big time.”

“Sounds like our Rachel.” Grover sighed, “You okay Annabeth?” Annabeth managed a small, jerky nod. Grover muttered something about the crazy ward that made Annabeth grind her teeth, like, really loudly.

“Yeah. We’re both fine.”

“Do you want to go to the auditorium with us?”

“Let’s go.” Annabeth creaked.

“Oh so the mummy speaks!” Grover laughed.

“Do not refer to me as a mummy.” Annabeth said sharply. Her words cut like razors and Grover didn’t speak for the rest of the walk. Chiron was waiting for them. I gestured to Annbeth to come to me. He handed Annabeth a slip of paper and sent her to a bench. I waited for her, Annabeth’s face was slack, she read the paper in silence I managed to sneak a peek of what it said,

Dearest Annabeth,

I told you to be strong.

You need to show some dignity! My gods! You are making me look weak!

I know how you feel

Be Strong.





p.s. Just because I’m a goddess doesn’t mean I’m not your mother

Annabeth crumpled the paper and stuffed it in her pocket,

“What are you looking at Seaweed Brain?”

“” She glared at me, “What?”

“Oh..nothing” She blushed.

Chiron clomped over to the podium and turned on his microphone, “Campers, today Miss Rachel Dare spoke of a new Great Prophecy. Unfortunately this prophecy will be in your life times in fact this Prophecy is taking place now.”

This statement was followed by a series of dramatic gasps and someone in the back row fainted because Chiron told them to please report to the infirmary. I wrapped his hand around Annabeth, it wasn’t romantic I was just trying to keep her intact. We had somehow survived 1 Great Prophecy and we were already in the middle of another one and now we would meet their ultimate doom.

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