Chapter 49 Together We Are Strong

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Chapter 49

Together We Are Strong


So this is the Argo II. No complaints here, the ship is awesome. The mast looks like it’s had to be repaired several times, the floorboards are a little creaky because of wear but overall, this ship saved my life, and it can freaking fly! So who do I thank for putting this all together?

The Romans of all people. A demigod girl and Octavian, OCTAVIAN, of all people, came to save us. I don’t know what to make of the mop headed augur, but right now I really don’t know what to think. The augur’s lips are pursed but sideways in a smirk, and for some reason has a belt with poor stuffed animals attached to it. All of the button eyes, look at me, pleading for me to free them.

    “Are all of you okay?” The younger demigod girl asks. She’s clearly a Roman, her dagger is Roman style and her hair is held up with a purple hair band. She also stands like a Roman, confident and sure of herself. But her voice is quiet and completely contradicts her posture.

    I lurched forward, unable to help myself, swung my sword and Octavian’s belt came falling to the ground. Those poor animals, they needed to be free. Octavian’s eyes flashed anger and I shrunk back,

    “What was that for?” Octavian kneeled over and picked up and collected all of his animals. Percy cleared his throat trying to stop laughing. Everyone shook with laughter. Even the Roman girl suppressed a smile.

    “Annabeth needs some First Aid, is everyone else okay?” Percy looked around at the rest of us. We all were a little bashed up, Frank looked really, really hungry, and my head hurts so bad.

    “Um...I need some ibuprofen. Did anyone bring some?” The Roman girl stuck her hand in her pocket and fished around. She drew her hand back out holding a orange pill and held it out to me.

    “Here this will help.” She smiled wirely. Her hair was dirty blonde, her body small and pinched looking. She honestly looked a little like Octavian, but nicer and more timid.

    “Thanks.” I murmured. “Uh, we’re also all a little hungry.” My stomach didn’t complaint my body was still absorbing the mixed signals, of pain and that weird feeling the water left me with. It was like I was inflated, and I needed to do something or I’d explode. Like I said, it is a weird feeling. I moved the pill around in my hand, the dull surface of the pill felt soothing and distracted me from thinking about the weirdness of this situation.

    “No problem we have food below deck. Octavian will you find the First Aid for Miss Chase?” Octavian’s eyebrows rose and then lowered angrily,

    “No. How about you do that?” Without a response the girl’s smile fell and she turned and jogged down the stairs to below deck. Once she was gone, Octavian smiled cruelly, “That’s Lauren, and as you can tell we are in a temporary truce with the Greeks. You know what you’re doing. Go somewhere to do...well, whatever it is you Greeks do.” Octavian turned sharply and followed Lauren’s footsteps to below deck.

    A metallic taste filled my mouth, that jerk. The faces of the others reflected the same impression. The metallic taste remained. I moved my hand toward my face and lightly traced my fingertips across my lips. I pulled my hand back, red. Blood was in my mouth. Where did that come from. I limped over to the side and spit over the deck, hoping that my nasty blood-slobber nasty hit one of those monsters right in the eye. They deserved it. I moved the pill to my lips and swallowed it dry. Instantly I recoiled, ew, what is in this pill. It was bitter like rhubarb and felt gritty as it went down. This is not ordinary ibuprofen. Lauren probably made the pill herself out of weird herbs or something like that.

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