Chapter 22 Girls are Annoying

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Chapter 22

Girls Are Annoying

Sam Wessle

I was walking the street, trying to look chill when I saw three people leaving Anastasia’s house. I jogged over to them. Ana, Autumn, and I think Autumn’s dad were walking toward a sweet black Cadillac.

“Yo! Where you guys going?!” I shouldered my guitar, I wouldn’t want my profits falling all over the place. That would epically suck. They didn’t answer me. Mr. Kazuki looked like he had lost his chill and glared at me, like I had invaded his personal space bubble. “Uh…” Ana had tear marks down her face, for a horrifying second I thought that the Kazukis were kidnapping her. Ana came running at me and hugged me. I was definitely freaked out. This was so awkward. I gently pushed her away in the most unrude way possible.

“Bye Sam.” She turned away.

“But where are you going?!” She looked at me with a look that said: Don’t ask. Please! Okay, now I definitely had to know if she was a victim of a kidnapping. Mr. Kazuki held the door of the Cadillac open for the girls. They slid in the back seat. Mr. Kazuki put Autumn’s electric scooter in the truck. He slid into the driver’s seat and started the engine.

I did my most awesome taxi whistle of all time and a taxi stopped by me. I climbed in and handed the driver my credit card. “Follow that car!” He smiled at me. What can I say? People like country guys with guitars. That’s a part of the reason why I carry it around with me. The Cadillac took off. “Don’t lose them!” The driver gunned the gas and we took off after the Cadillac.

Long Island! Long Island! Why there?! I sighed. This was not going to be good for my credit card. That was all of the money that I had saved in Nashville. Now I was going to be New York broke! Great. Girls are annoying. I followed them to Long Island. They pulled over to the side of the road and I told the driver to stop a few yards away so that we didn’t look suspicious. He looked at me like: What am I getting into?  I wondered the same thing. I nodded apologetically. He pulled over. The Cadillac drove away, leaving the girls standing at the side of the road. They started walking through this strawberry patch. Random, girls are crazy.

I waited until they were out of sight and I tipped the driver and carried my guitar with me out the door. He saluted me and drove away. Nice guy.

I took the route through the field and saw them. Holy cow! There was a huge civilization out there. It looked so cool! I am so going! I sneaked up on them and walked through the gate and I felt this weird wall but pushed through it. Like walking through foam.  The girls still didn’t see me. There was this huge building, with white trim, kind of like my house in Nashville. I was definitely intrigued. I walked a good distance away from them.

There were other people walking around...oh my god. They had goat legs! They were picking strawberries. Not watching us in particular. Wow, if these girls already knew about this they must be so much weirder than I thought.

Autumn stepped forward and knocked on the front door. A man with a wheelchair opened it and said something I couldn’t understand. They he beckoned them inside. I creeped up the front stairs as quietly as I could. The floorboards kept creaking awkwardly. I opened the door as quietly as I could, not wanting to draw any attention to myself. I walked down the hallway, following the sound of Autumn’s happy, bright voice that rang like bells.

“My dad sent us here. He said that it was the only place that we were safe. We wanted to find out about our parents. Our other parents.”

“Both of you?”

“Well my dad me. Ana just came with because her mom said that she should come.”

“Ahh...I see. Well there is something you both should know about your other parents. They all are-” I came out of hiding.

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